IDAHOT Report 2014: Fiji

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This year’s IDAHOT was marked by a big wave of mobilisation in the South Pacific island of Fiji – where all events keyed into the 2014 focus on Freedom of Expression. FEMLink Pacific, a grass roots women’s radio station had a day of broadcasts around the day, featuring the participation of 30 rural women’s leaders, amongst many other highlights. Haus of Khameleon, Emerging Leaders Forum Alumni and Drodrolagi Movement organized a “Family Fun Day OUT!”.

FemLINK Events
The IDAHOT inspired events were built around FemTALK 89FM’s “Rainbow Connections” radio programmes, which were launched in February 2014 and are produced and hosted by SOGI activists including The Haus of Khameleon, Oceania Pride and Rainbow Women’s Network. 28 participants including rural women leaders, members from Oceania Pride, Haus of Khameleon and the Rainbow Women’s Network came together through FemLINKPACIFIC’s rural community media network and affirmed that regardless of sexual orientation, ethnicity and religion, everyone’s development priorities are the same.
The theme for their community radio 10th anniversary campaign was “Communicating Peace, Development, Diversity, Security and Freedom” which connected with the IDAHOT 2014 focus on Freedom of Expression.
The programmes covered issues ranging from Gender Equality in Disaster Risk Management and Responses, Economic security and equality in decision making, access to services, and disability rights. A youth speak out session also discussed current youth priorities, including mental health and well being.

Fiji 1, by FemLINKPasific
In Fiji, IDAHOT 2014 was merged with the 10th anniversary celebrations of FemLINK – a grass roots feminist community media project.

Family Fun Day Out
Haus of Khameleon, Emerging Leaders Forum Alumni and Drodrolagi Movement held a “Family Fun Day OUT!” to commemorate the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia 2014. The call for the event said “The daily struggle that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer (LGBTIQ) communities encounter in our endeavours for Equality, Diginity and Humanity would not be as substantial to the movement if it weren’t for the firm and unwavering support of our loved ones – families (chosen and biological), partners and friends.”
The Family Fun Day OUT involved activities for children, games, music, creative expressions and a candle light vigil followed by an after party.
From the Source: One of the many photos from today as we mark a belated International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia at the My Suva Park. Vinaka shukriya and thank you to all those who brought their friends and families along and made today so special and memorable! More photos coming later. ‪#‎IDAHOT‬ ‪#‎Fiji‬

In a write up of the event in The Fiji Times, organiser Kris Prasad said: “This is a belated celebration. We were supposed to have the fun day on May 17, on the actual International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia but couldn’t because of bad weather… This day really is to bring everyone together. Our previous events to mark May 17 were always on the serious side. We wanted to have a family fun day so we can enjoy fun activities with our friends and family, and especially the children.”
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