IDAHOT celebrations in Portugal

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The organisation rede ex aequo from Lisbon has organised a series of events to celebrate the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia, including movie festival, free hugs and a conference.

A movie festival promoted by rede ex aequo: 11° ciclo de Cinema LGBT from May 16 till May 18
Including screenings of Love Songs (2007), Como Esquecer (2010), Celluloid Closet (1995), Morgan (2012) and Laurence Anyways (2012). You can find out more about the event on Facebook or on the website.
Free Hugs against Discrimination on Saturday May 17 3:30pm promoted by rede ex aequo: Activists will give free hugs and information material about IDAHOT to people in the streets of Lisbon to highlight the importance of the day and raise awareness.
See more details here.
A conference promoted by CNJ, ILGA Portugal and rede ex aequo about the Geographies of Discrimination Against LGBT People.
The conference will start on Saturday at 8pm and takes place at Palácio Foz. Find more details here.
Rede ex aequo is an association of young lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and supporters aged between 16 and 30 years in Portugal. Their work aims to support young lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender and to provide social information on the issues of sexual orientation and gender identity. You can find their website here or visit their Facebook page for more information.

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