China IDAHO Report 2012

Various activities were organized around IDAHO in more than 30 cities, including a rainbow ride, public educational activities, a kiss-in, a flash mob, the staging of a street drama, film screenings and discussion, a micro-blog initiative on anti-discrimination, and an online...

Canada IDAHO Report 2012

Canadian activists were once again active throughout the country for IDAHO 2012, with a range of events staged. Quebec based Fondation Emergence, which launches every year a mobilisation campaign that stretches beyond the province’s borders, mobilized this year on promoting...

Cameroon IDAHO Report 2012

On a continent where the mobilisation against homophobia and transphobia is particularly difficult, Cameroonian activists boldly developed a large program of action in the city of Yaoundé, including a workshop for LGBT activists, a public conference with thematic forums, and...

Burundi IDAHO Report 2012

With financial support from the IDAHO Committee, the Organisation MUCO renewed its IDAHO mobilization activities in the rural areas of Burundi. It organized social activities bringing together members of sexual minorities, their friends and families, over discussions on how to...

Brasil IDAHO Report 2012

In all, 20 of Brazil’s 27 provinces held IDAHO activities in 2012. These activities included marches against homo/transphobia, rallies, seminars, public hearings at local parliaments, film screenings, and advocacy pushing for local non-discrimination legislation. Brazilian activists also joined the international...

Belize IDAHO Report 2012

In Belize, a country which has laws criminalizing same-sex relationships, activists launched online actions on Facebook tackling the issue of homophobia. LGBT groups also organised a media conference and reached out to various ministries to promote legislative change.  

Belarus IDAHO Report 2012

Authorities in the Belarusian capital of Minsk prevented LGBT activists from holding three separate protests to mark IDAHO 2012, citing “technical” reasons and repair work near the proposed locations as reasons for denying the protest. However, other IDAHO events did...

Austria IDAHO Report 2012

Activists in Austria marked IDAHO 2010 with the launch of a call for participation in a European online LGBT survey. In addition, the makers of the Austrian short film “Homophobia” released the film for free on YouTube (…). “Homophobia” follows...

Jakarta Organisations Celebrate IDAHO

Despite, and in reaction to, repeated homo/transphobic attacks by religious dogmatic groups over the past months, Human Rights and LGBT organisations in Jakarta held a series of events ranging from Parliamentary meetings to marches and cultural activities. As organisers put...

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