In Buenos Aires, the Legislature of the City of Buenos Aires approved activists’ statement of educational interest in relation to the 2012 IDAHO education campaign. The project was presented by Deputy Gabriela Alegre, author of the Act that instituted May 17 as the “Day of Struggle Against Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity”. During the event, the IDAHO 2012 mobilization video was screened at plenary session of the Legislature.
With a focus on the prevention of bullying and seeking input in to the development of comprehensive sex education in classrooms, activists urged participation in the second annual National Forum on Education, Human Rights and Sexual Diversities. The forum was attended by students, educators, academics and political and social figures. Several organizations shared their experiences in panels that examined the topics “What color is your room? Testimonials – Obstacles in accessing education” and “Building classrooms without discrimination – Contributions from civil society”.
Marking IDAHO for the first time, a group of teachers organized a round-table discussion to address the issue of bullying in schools. The discussion began with the screening of a short film, which generated debate among teachers and participants on bullying based on sexual orientation and gender identity (…).
In the province of Santa Fe, the Universidad Nacional del Litoral organized a workshop on gender identity. There was also the screening of a film followed by an open discussion. In the province of Santiago del Estero, there was an open day at the “House of Diversity”, and the Honorable Council declared IDAHO of municipal interest.
In the province of Tucuman, activists organized a ceremony to commemorate the IDAHO in San Miguel Arcangel of the Honorable Council of San Miguel de Tucuman. During the event, Ombudsman Hugo Cabral was recognized for his unwavering support for diversity. The Bella Vista city council also officially recognized the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia.
In the city of Salta, activists held a series of community events to mark IDAHO. With a focus on education, schools were invited to address the cultural and social issues that produce discrimination in the education sector. They also held a contest entitled “New Masculinities: Men in skirts well placed” in which professionals and students in the field of fashion design, visual artists and artisans were asked to design skirts for men. The event was aimed at challenging the assignment of gender roles in relation to clothing.