Country page 2024 – Switzerland

Country pages showcase events that have been directly registered on our site or discovered through online searches. For more information about the IDAHOBIT campaign, please visit our social media channels.   Campagne contre l'homophobie, la biphobie et la transphobie -...

Country page 2023 – Switzerland

Country pages feature announcements of events that were directly registered on our site. More information on what is happening for the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia can be found on our social media. Rainbow Challenge Location: Ensemble des...

Switzerland Country Page 2019

Pic nic and festive evening organised by Dialogai Cet événement est organisé en collaboration avec le Agenda 21 - Ville durable de la Ville de Genève - Officiel et UN GLOBE, le groupe d'employé-e-s représentant les membres du personnel du...

IDAHOT 2017 country page: Switzerland

Ville Ge and The Pansy Project: Poster campaign in Geneva; May 15 - 28;  May 17 at 12:00 p.m. Flashmob "Thoughts against homophobia and transphobia" @ University of Geneva - Uni Mail, Boulevard du Pont-d'Arve 40, Geneva; "Plant a flower against violence";...

IDAHOT Events 2016: Switzerland

Organisations in Switzerland have created a specific IDAHOT FB page and an interactive map to report on MAY 17 activities across the federation. From parties to conferences, the celebrations will span over 13 locations. In the Eastern part of the country,...

IDAHOT Events 2015: Switzerland

In Switzerland, Dialogai and Pinkcross  celebrated IDAHOT, highlighting the global theme LGBTQI Youth and focussing on LGBTI refugees. [box type="note" ]We are still busy collecting information on this year's IDAHOT activities and are waiting to hear back from activists and...

Switzerland IDAHO report 2013

The Geneva University of Art and Design won the anual IDAHO contest which reward short films made ​​by students of art schools in western Switzerland. Organized by Mosaic-info, the Republic and Canton of Geneva and the Canton of Vaud . This...

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