IDAHOT Events 2016: Slovenia

Local activists in Ljubljana, Slovenia, will this year mark IDAHOT 2016 with a day of public events. As well as creative workshops and open discussions there will also be fun and games from the entire community, including IDAHOT board games,...

IDAHOT Event 2015: Slovenia

In Ljubljana, Slovenia, IDAHOT celebrated with a joint event together with the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial 2015. Additionally, Ljubljana Pride hosted an event that took place a few days before IDAHOT. [box type="note" ]We are still busy collecting information on this year's IDAHOT activities...

IDAHOT Report 2014: Slovenia

Slovenia In commemoration of the IDAHOT 2014, the US Embassy in the capital, Ljubljana, invited members of local LGBTI communities to a flag unfurling ceremony. [caption id="attachment_7761" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Activists and officials flying the rainbow flag at the US embassy...

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