Myanmar Country Page 2019

On 17thMay 2019, Colors Rainbow coordinated an IDAHOT event at Junction City, one of the biggest and most famous shopping malls in Myanmar, in order to raise awareness on what it means to be LGBT in current Myanmar society and...

IDAHOT 2017 country reports: Myanmar

Myanmar Times ‘LGBT is an identity’: International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia and TransphobiaOn May 17, cities around the world celebrated the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT). A woman holds a sign advocating for LGBT rights. Zarni Phyo...

IDAHOT Report 2016: Myanmar

Myanmar this year held a number of small anonymous events across the country, organized by independent activists and community groups. The annual “&Proud” photo competition and exhibition was held once again to mark IDAHOT 2016. Running from May 7 until...

Looking Ahead: Myanmar in 2016

Myanmar will once again hold a small number of events and campaigns to promote equality for LGBTI citizens in the country. The n0w-annual “&Proud” photo exhibition will be held from May 7 to 15 and will feature LGBT amateur photographers...

IDAHOT 2015 Events: Myanmar

In Myanmar LGBT umbrella group Colours Rainbow worked to support the efforts of local groups across the country and held an event on May 17. IDAHOT events were hosted in 14 cities throughout Myanmar. In celebration of IDAHOT the group, together...

Photo Competition

A photography competition could be a great way to encourage participation from the community, to change public attitudes and promote discussion (in the form of an exhibition), and also to promote different images of LGBT people on social media. In...

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