Rainbow lights will Illuminate Brisbane landmarks


For the first time for IDAHOT, Queensland Parliament House will join other Brisbane landmarks, and be floodlit in rainbow lights displaying the six colors of the rainbow flag – the international symbol of pride for the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) communities. It’s anticipated that approval will be granted for Brisbane City Hall to again host the rainbow flag and rainbow lights – exactly one year to the day since Council voted to support a motion backing legalizing marriage equality.

  • Wednesday 17 May: Rainbow flags will fly from Brisbane City Hall (to be confirmed), and the state headquarters of Qld Police Service, Qld Ambulance Service and Qld Fire and Emergency Services.
  • Wednesday 17 May: Rainbow lights will illuminate Queensland Parliament House, Brisbane City Hall (to be confirmed), Story bridge, Victoria bridge, Kurilpa bridge and Treasury casino. (discussions taking place with other Brisbane landmarks for possible further rainbow illuminations)
  • Sunday 21 May: Community Day, followed by memorial ceremony.

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