Families Without Borders – A Story from Argentina

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When I came out of the closet my greatest fear was to grow up alone, to not have a family. That was actually the reality of many LGBT people in my hometown, a small city in southern Patagonia, Argentina. Although that made me feel worried about my future life I always dreamt of  having a family of my own.

Years went by and my country finally approved equal marriage and other progressive laws like the gender identity bill, Argentina becoming the first country to do so in Latin America.
Time passed, and partners in my life too. I don’t know why but I knew deep in my heart that the one I would build a family with would be a foreigner. A trip to Prague and a mobile app was what it took to find my soul mate Jakub. After that trip everything changed and our lives turned into lots of phone calls, messages, hours of talks and more travels back and forth between Argentina and Slovakia.
It’s a year already since we have been living together in Buenos Aires and a bit more since we got engaged in Paris. As you can see in the photo, my mother was with us during this trip. We are now planing to get married. Nothing is impossible when you dream about it. And love always wins.

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