Activists and campaigners in Russia bravely held a handful of small events across the country, despite the threat of persecution from state and non-state groups.
In Syktyvar (Komi Republic), local LGBT campaigners held the city’s first IDAHOT event for the local communit. The closed-doors event celebrated diversity and provided a valuable outlet for local LGBTI individuals.
In St Petersburg, activists from ‘Coming Out’ held their eighth event to mark IDAHOT 2016. The event featured more than 40 activists from a number of groups, as well as members of the Russian LGBT Film Festibal, LGBT Network and the Alliance of Straights and LGBT For Family. The secret event featured dialogues and workshops with a focus on LGBT, feminist and trans equality, and also included a rainbow flashmob, during which balloons were released outside the city’s iconic St. Isaac’s Cathedral.
As the home of Russia’s now infamous anti-LGBT ‘propaganda law’ activists were keen to welcome campaigners from across the region. The event was a success and was a great opportunity for essential networking and solidarity.