IDAHOT Report 2014: France

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Various local pride marches were held in France. Including in the city of Aix en Provence, Caen, Angers and Poitiers. The national anti-homophobia organisation and helpline ‘SOS homophobie’ released its annual report on the state of homophobia and organised events in a dozen cities all over France, including concerts and human chains.

Various other events took place throughout the country, like a giant rainbow flag display in Montpellier (pictured).

IDAHOT 2014 in France – Rainbow Action in Montpellier

LGBT homeless young people in focus
The organisation ‘le refuge’, which cares for homeless young LGBT people held its annual action week around the IDAHOT 2014, with fundraiser events, media stunts, conferences and advocacy actions towards national and local public authorities.
LGBT police forces association join the IDAHOT 2014
The LGBT police forces association FLAG! kick-started an awareness raising campaign and training module amongst national police and security forces, with the support of the Ministry of Interior. The organisation launched a proposal for a police process at the national level to better track and report incidents of homophobic and transphobic violence.
IDAHOT 2014 in France – Police Association Campaign Poster

Strasbourg Sing-in
The LGBT choir, Pelicanto, from Strasbourg, France, joined the global sing-in for IDAHOT 2014 with this spectacular performance of “Uprising” by Muse, featured as part of their “Stras Wars” show. Dedicated to the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia 2014, you can watch the video here.
For more information about Pelicanto, see their website.
Pelicanto, an LGBT choir from Strasbourg, joining the global ‘Uprising’ for equality on May 17, 2014.

Further Information
More information on IDAHOT 2014 actions in France can be found on the dedicated IDAHO France website.

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