IDAHOT Report 2014: Argentina

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The International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia 2014 was the reason for various mobilizations in Argentina, across the country, in one of the biggest national movements around May 17, 2014, in the world.

The Argentine Federation of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights, together with ATTTA presented in the National Senate two initiatives, one for the creation of a National Programme for Comprehensive Health Care for trans communities, and one for the assignment for improved citizenship rights for trans communities. They also presented the agenda for the sexual diversity month across the country and an art exhibition of the internationally successful project, “I’m not a Joke”, by Venezuelan artist Daniel Arzola.
Also in the city of Buenos Aires, the Argentine Homosexual Community (CHA) and the theatre director Alejandro Modarelli presented the premiere of the play “Flowers on the Rust” which addresses the raids on the Argentine LGBT community during the dictatorship (1976 – 1983).

Around IDAHOT 2014, two LGBT rights bills were introduced into the Argentinian Senate.

Sigla organization also coordinated several activities including the third edition of the event, “Tango Against Homophobia” in which they showed dancing actions in more than 60 of the countries in the world which criminalize same sex relationships, and wherein: “You can not dance the tango in freedom.”
In the planetary city LGBTI Association 1969, which relates to the Workers’ Party, held a cultural event which was attended by renowned artists from amongst the LGBT community. On May 16 in front of the Metropolitan Cathedral, the organization MST Diversity performed with a hundred people a kiss-in, against LGBT discrimination by the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. Buenos Aires obelisc was also considered for events on May 17th. Independent activists from the LGBT community organized a “mass hugging” against LGBT criminalization worldwide.
Activists take to the streets in Argentina for IDAHOT 2014 to affirm equality and human rights for all.

The capital of the province of Buenos Aires, La Plata, also held a celebration organized by Franja Morada Diversidad, which organized various events including movie debates, academic debates and a cultural festival in the public square, Islas Malvinas.
The province of Santa Fe, in collaboration with local organizations, declared May 17 as the “Provincial Day Against Discrimination Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.” In the city of Rosario, the organization Kunst-Unidos Todos AC, performed the opening of the exhibition “My Jauregui” on May 16. The exhibition was performed by nine artists from different disciplines who have dealt creatively with the figure of Carlos Jauregui, a well-known LGBTI activist. Carlos Jauregui was the first president of the CHA since its founding in 1984 until 1987. In 1991 he founded GaysDC, organization he conduct until he passed away in August 1996.
Argentinian activists show solidarity with people living in the 80 countries in the world which criminalise same sex relationships.

Meanwhile, in the northwest of the country, in the province of Misiones, Misiones LGBT Association together with the Equal Opportunities Undersecretary of the Ministry of Human Rights in the Province of Misiones, together with other organizations, raised the rainbow flag for first time in the province of Misiones, on 17 May in the square of Mitre and Uruguay Avenues.
In the north, in Salta Province the second meeting “I am in your eyes” was held in order to promote and share information about LGBTIQ rights. The event was organized by the Municipality of Salta and ATTTA organization.
Street art for the IDAHOT 2014 in Argentina.

In the south, in the city of Bariloche, LGBT organization Colectiva Generando Generxs Bariloche created a mural in one of the neighborhoods of the city to raise awareness of the importance of non-discrimination. In the adjoining province, Neuquen, the organization Mesa Nacional por la Igualdad organized a solidarity collection of clothing and footwear with a cycle of “Cinema for Equality” with the premiere of the film “Stranger on the lake.”
Finally it should be noted that Fundación Huesped and ATTTA held the launch of the campaign Expectations starring trans women to publicize the inequalities to which this population is exposed.

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