Various activities were held throughout the length and breadth of Chile on May 17, International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia.
On May 16 the Day was commemorated for the tenth year with a parade that took place in the Plaza Italia in Santiago de Chile with more than 50,000 participants turning this into a historical milestone for LGBT activism. The various organizations marched with friends and families claiming for no more discrimination, no more discrimination for sexual diversity at schools and no more hate crimes. They also raise their voice for the government to pass a Gender Identity Act for trans people and celebrated the recently adopted Civil Union.
Also as part Movilh’s plans, a total of 35 municipalities and 10 embassies joined the campaign for the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex individuals. Municipalities and embassies raised the flag of the sexual diversity in May making activity in the greater visibility of the rights of LGBTI people in public bodies occurred so far in Chile.
The Chilean affiliate of It’s Get Better, Todo Mejora, release a music video produced with the Chilean artist Francisca Valenzuela called ‘Insult’. The song hopes to be an inspirational song about overcoming bullying for young LGBTI people. Working alongside GLSEN (an education network based in the United States), Todo Mejora also launch the Spanish version of the game Safe Space, a guide on how to be an ally to LGBT students.
The Municipality of Providencia also celebrated the Day, with an extensive program of multiple activities that began on May 11 with the opening of a zebra crossing and concluded on May 17 with the play “No one is a prophet in his mirror.” Below you can see pictures of the activities.