The national LGBT helpline SOS homophobie publishes its annual situation report yearly on May 17. This year, the report shows a shocking 66% increase in cases of violence against LGBTI people. The report was presented at numerous locations throughout the country

More info HERE
At least 10 students from a Catholic university in France will face disciplinary action for an attack on an LGBTI event.
On Saturday 18 May, about 20 people descended on an event for IDAHOBIT (International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia). They shouted homophobic slurs and vandalized decorations. more info HERE
Paris Mayor awarded several prizes to LGBT organisations. Awards went to French island of La Réunion, Burkina Faso and Colombia

Paris city authorities and LGBT organisations commemorated victims of homophobia, in France and worldwide. More info HERE
The Ministry of Interior has announced the creation of 522 LGBT focus points in police stations across the country
Several pride marches take place in smaller cities across the country

The national organisation Le Refuge caring for homeless young LGBT persons held their annual week of action and fundraising around May 17.

Act up held a vigil in Paris and other cities to commemorate HIV- AIDS victims, reminding that the virus still kills.

French Football league launched a campaign against homophobia with rainbow wristbands. More info HERE and HERE
Air France committed on May 17 to more equality at the work place. Read more on this HERE
Event: Ciné débat “Coming Out”
Date: 17/05/2019
Time: 20h
Info: Ciné Débat avec l’association SOS homophobie :
Visionnage du film “Coming Out” de Denis PARROT
Ciné Dôme – Avenue Lavoisier – 63170 AUBIERE – FRANCE
Event: Village associatif
Date: 17/05/2019
Time: 10h
Info: Village Asoociatif avec l’ensemble des associations :
Stands d’informations et de prévention, bornes d’arcade et mur de la honte.
Place de Jaude – 63000 Clermont Ferrand.