Country page 2022 – Belgium


Every year until 2020 we used to feature on Country Pages, which can be accessed via the interactive world map, as much information on May 17 events as we could find. We are currently unfortunately not in a capacity to do so anymore until further notice.

Country pages now only feature announcements of events that were directly registered on our site.

You can find more information on what has happens for the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia by scrolling down our Twitter feed @may17org

Event: Relationele en seksuele vorming
Date: 17/5/2022
Time: 8.25 – 15.35
Info: A whole day at school, discussing, giving information, forming, talking about and showing the diversity in love and relationships with our pupils from 15 to 18 years old following our professional education. We organise workshops, panels, lessons and creative work sessions around  diversity in people and  relationships.

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