IDAHOT Events 2016: Poland

In Krakow, local activists have organised the annual May Queer Festival, which will run throughout IDAHOT week. The event runs from May 11 - 22 and includes a wide range of inclusive and fun activities, including talks, workshops, performances, film...

IDAHOT Events 2016: Serbia

The Gay Straight Alliance of Serbia will this year hold their 2015/16 Rainbow Awards Ceremony on May 17th. The event will celebrate diversity and progress within the Serbian LGBT community and aims to recognise the efforts of individuals and groups...

IDAHOT Events 2016: Portugal

In Lisbon, campaigners from Dezanove will host a debate with a local Member of European Parliament on the subject of LGBT issues. The event is free to attend for all the public and hopes to raise a meaningful dialogue around...

IDAHOT Events 2016: India

Throughout May LGBT health group the Humsafar Trust are promoting a special project focused on addressing mental health stigma surrounding LGBT people in India. The 'Queers Against Quacks' project will target mental health practitioners promoting pseudoscience and discriminatory practices and...

IDAHOT Events 2016: South Korea

In Seoul, Rainbow Action Against Sexual-Minority Discrimination will host a special event to mark IDAHOT 2016 with the slogan "Against the hate, sing the equality and spread the rainbow!" The event will include a press statement issued on the problem...

IDAHOT Events 2016: The Netherlands

To mark IDAHOT 2016 the Dutch National Gay/Straight Education Alliance has called upon schools across the country to address sexual diversity within their education and approach. The group called upon educators and policy makers to include issues of discrimination and...

IDAHOT events 2016: Italy

Arcigay, the national LGBTI federation, releases its annual report on LGBT-phobias. The report points to the strange situation where Italy now has a law on same-sex civil unions without having a law protecting LGBT people against discriminations.  In Palermo, arcigay...

IDAHOT Events 2016: Malta

In Malta local LGBT organisation Drachma will host a book launch to mark IDAHOT 2016. The event will take place at University Chapel and will be the official launch of Ulienda Rigal, which focuses on the LGBT community and is...

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