Country page 2023 – Belgium


Most country pages feature announcements of events that were directly registered on our site.
More information on what is happening for the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia can be found on our social media.

Rainbow flags & posters

Direction: Rainbow Houses Flanders
Date: May 17th
Info: All local governments are asked to hang the LGBTI+ flag on May 17 to raise awareness against homophobia, transphobia & biphobia and to make sure all LGBTI+ people feel at home.

Upon request, local governments, private persons and organisations from East and West Flanders will be provided with free posters and stickers. The posters say ‘Street without LGBTI+ hate’ (“Zonder LGBTI+ haat-straat”) which they can spread and hang to show their support.

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