Argentina – IDAHOTB 2018 Country Page

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The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia # IDAHOTB2018 continues to consolidate in Argentina with multiple activities. Throughout the country, different government agencies and organizations organized events for the Day.
On May 17 at 11:30 am in the Government House of the Province of Santa Fe in the city of Rosario there will be a meeting of trans women arrested and persecuted during the last military dictatorship in the province of Santa Fe with the Governor. In the event, the first resolution of Trans Historical Repair will be delivered in Latin America.
In the City of Buenos Aires on May 17 at 08:30 a.m. in the Casa de la Cultura, the 6th Sexual Diversity Day will be held at 6 years of the Gender Identity Law.
In San Martín, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Thursday, May 17, the Group of Organizations of Diversity of San Martín will be developing the Festival for Equality to celebrate the International Day of to fight against Discrimination for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.
The embassies of Belgium, Canada, Israel, the Netherlands and Sweden together with government agencies and civil society organizations, among which are the Argentina LGBT Federation, GAPEF, the Association of Transvestites, Transsexuals and Transgenders of Argentina, the Trans House , La Fulana and the Fundación Huesped will participate on May 18 at 11am. in the Club Atlético River Plate of a football game Pateando a la discriminacion y a la violencia!
In the city of Río Cuarto, province of Córdoba, activities will be held throughout the week
Monday, May 14:
8:00 Rising of the LGBT Flag in Plaza Olmos.
10:00 act of adhesion of municipalities and communes to Decree 657/17 that establishes the “May 17: Provincial Day for Equality and Non-Discrimination for Sexual Orientation, Identity and Gender Expression” in the SUM of the Civic Center of the Bicentennial Delegation Río Cuarto, Calle Pte. Arturo Illia 1254. 10 municipalities in the south of Córdoba will join and raise the flag of diversity in their localities.
12:00 Municipal employment meeting
Wednesday May 16:
10:00 Presentation in the deliberative Council of the Project of Prevention and sanction of discriminatory acts.
16:00 Talk at the University
Thursday May 17:
8:00 Official ceremony for raising the flag of the municipality with municipal authorities.
8:30 Signing of an Agreement with the Ombudsman’s Office / Press Conference
10:00 Approval in the Deliberative Council adhesion to Decree 657/17
Activity with the municipality (Time to be confirmed based on the signed agreement.)
Friday, May 18:
18:30 Inauguration C.C. Ckatacuna and first LGBTI House of Cordoba and our headquarters and Celebration of Our 10 Years.

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