United Kingdom 2021 Country Page


Note on event listing: Due to limited capacity, we are not able to provide a comprehensive overview of the hundreds of events that will take place worldwide. We list on this site the information that was directly sent to us (without edits).
During the “season” of the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, which traditionally stretches over 10 days around May 17, we will report more extensively on social media on worldwide activities. Please connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

If you are aware of any event that is not listed here, please send us an email.

Event: Pride in Trafford
Direction: The events take place in and around Sale Town Centre, a suburb of Trafford in Greater Manchester.  Just 20mins from Manchester city centre by road or Metrolink. From the M60 exit junction 7 and take the A56. The Metrolink is really easy, with regular services from Altrincham and Manchester City Centre. Alight at ‘Sale’ Metrolink station, upon leaving the station, cross the road and turn left, the Town Hall, Waterside Arts and the town centre are all within minutes of the Metrolink Station.
Date: Monday 17 – Saturday 22 May 2021
Time: Various
Info: Pride in Trafford is an exploration and celebration of identity and LGBTQ+ life in Trafford, Greater Manchester (United Kingdom).

Coinciding with IDAHOBIT, the festival runs from Monday 17 – Saturday 22 May 2021 and commences with the raising of the rainbow flag outside Sale Town Hall to mark IDAHOBIT and the beginning of Pride in Trafford.

Throughout the week, a programme of one off comedy, cabaret, storytelling, dance and theatre shows showcasing LGBTQ+ artists and performers. For those who love their LGBTQ+ entertainment to be a little more immersive – Thursday night’s Disco Tea Party combining disco and drag is one not to be missed!

More details and the full programme can be found at www.prideintrafford.org

Event: The importance of self care on IDAHOBIT 2021

Direction: Join GenderGP Head of therapy, Marianne Oakes and friends for a positive, empowering conversation all about you this IDAHOBIT 2021

What – livestream event

When – May 17th between 1pm and 2pm BST

Where – GenderGP’s YouTube channel https://youtu.be/GgJizosZz6E

Date: 17.05.21

Time: 13:00 – 14:00 BST

Info: We know there are many pressures and challenges facing our

community today but this IDAHOBIT we want to focus on developing

techniques to help us navigate these, whether that’s something as

significant as taking charge of your gender journey or as simple as

turning off social media for a few days.

Join GenderGP Head of therapy, Marianne Oakes and friends for a positive, empowering conversation all about you.

Event: Has the dial moved? Stories of IDAHOBIT
Direction: ?
Date: 17th May
Time: 10.30 – 12.00
Info: Inclusive Companies are proud to partner with Auto Trader UK to deliver a thought-provoking virtual event for International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia & Transphobia (IDAHOBIT).

With IDAHOBIT approaching, we take this crucial opportunity to unite through collective challenges, storytelling, and lived experiences, by showcasing an array of inspirational speakers who will be sharing their stories as we aim to break down barriers.

Human Rights Campaigner Peter Tatchell will be exploring whether the dial has moved. In addition, a powerful panel session will take place as we delve into various aspects of IDAHOBIT with…

Louisa Brown, Fraud Analyst at Auto Trader UK; Melissa Grant, IT Service Management Professional, Public Speaker & Musician; Laks Mann, Met Police Officer, Met LGBT+ Network Executive Committee Member & Founder of Gaysians; Christina Riley, Trans Rights Activist, Director of EDI Construction Ltd, & Founder of Building Equality; Finn Warman, Creative Producer, Artistic Director & Founder of Andro & Eve

Our audience will have the chance to ask vital questions as we explore education, allyship, and tangible actions.

To join, please visit: https://www.inclusivecompanies.co.uk/event/has-the-dial-moved-stories-of-idaho/

Event: Breaking Bad: Challenging the heteronormative environment in the UK’s police and prisons with The Open University Business School
Direction: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/breaking-badchallenging-heteronormative-environment-in-uk-police-prisons-tickets-153614018665
Date: 17.05.21
Time: 18:30 – 19:30 BST
Info: The Gendered Organisational Practice (GOP) research cluster is marking the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia with a special event, presented by The Open University’s own Dr Matthew Jones and Dr Saoirse O’Shea.

Seize the opportunity to learn about the lived experiences of transgender and non-binary prisoners in England and Wales, as well as the ways in which lesbian, gay and bisexual police officers proactively challenge the occupational culture of policing from engaged and insightful researchers with unique access to these contexts

Event: IDAHOBIT LOUD & Proud Health Walk
Direction: Brighton and Hove
Date: Monday 17th May
Time: 12:00, Noon.
Info: Please Join us –  BHCC LGBTQ Workers Forum is holding a LOUD and PROUD LGBTQ+ health walk from the Palace Pier to The Level, to be visibly LGBTQ+, to show our presence and share safe, welcoming, empowering LGBTQ+ peer space. We will be carrying our huge LGBTQ+ flags and have fun music for the gentle walk along fully accessible, flat, level pedestrian paths through Valley Gardens, which is in full bloom with a superb show of spring flowers. JOIN US. BE VISABLE.  Be OUT, Be PROUD.
Everyone LGBTQ+ & allies are welcome to join, dress up if you wish, be loud and proud and bring a flag, or carry one of ours, or just pop out in your lunchtime to walk* along with us. But JOIN US.  We want the city to know we are here and Queer.
With Trans Pride, Brighton Pride and a host of live community events being cancelled again this year, VISABILITY is vital. Being outside in a group of friendly LGBTQ+ people is necessary for our mental health. Hate Crime has not gone away, LGBTQ+ communities are under attack like never before.  Share some much needed solidary and walk with a group of LGBTQ people. Being VISABLE, OUT & PROUD. Under current restrictions it is safe, and we are allowed to gather and walk in small groups.
Please share with friends, family, LGBTQ+ community groups and anyone you think would benefit from a gentle walk outdoors in an LGBTQ safe space.
We ask everyone to please observe socially distancing, wear a mask and observe relevant Covid restrictions. *The walk will be a 30/40 min gentle stroll from the beach, up through Valley Garden to London Road, where folk may have a coffee and cake if they wish.
May 17th 12pm – meet on the beach between the Pier and the Kiss Statue, look out for our huge inclusive LGBTQ+ Flag.

Event: Stretch & Flex IDAHOBIT Session
Date: Wednesday 19th May
Time: 1pm  BST
Info: As part of IDAHOBIT week  the LGBTQ Workers Forum is hosting an online Stretch & Flex session with Personal trainer Ellie
Our online ‘Stretch & Flex’ session is offered to members of the LGBTQ Workers Forum, friends & family.

It is free and everyone is welcome especially people who are shielding or unable to access outdoor space.  The Stretch and Flex session is being run by LGBTQ Forum steering group member Elle, who is also a qualified Personal Trainer, GP Referral Exercise Specialist and Studio Instructor.  (please feel free to share the flyer attached to this email on your social media or with friends or LGBTQ community)

This will be held over Zoom and is 40 minutes of low impact mobility, balance, and core-based exercises suitable for all; only a mat or towel is needed.

All people who identify as LGBTQ+ welcome. Email us for the link to join this free & fun session.  LGBTQWorkersForum@brighton-hove.gov.uk

We hope to see you there, join us, it’s fun, relaxing and a lovely way to connect with LGBTQ+ colleagues and friends in a safe, healthy environment.

Event: Solidarity Through Stories
Direction: This event is on Zoom, organised by LGBT+ Christian groups based in the UK and Ireland. REGISTER FREE for this Zoom event: email: mystory@opentable.lgbt by Monday 17th May.
Date: Monday 17th May 2021
Time: 7-8pm British Summer Time (GMT + 1)
Info: Inspired by the theme of this year’s International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia, ‘Together: Resisting, Supporting, Healing’, we’re inviting people to tell a true story from their lives on the theme of ‘Solidarity’.
Come and hear a selection of true stories from real lives – a mixture of funny, deep, hopeful, moving and lighthearted!
This event is a collaboration between six LGBT+ affirming Christian groups in the UK and Ireland: Diverse Church, House of Rainbow, OneBodyOneFaith, Open Table Network Quest and Two:23 Network.

Event: Unison Scotland North East Group IDAHOBiT Panel Discussion Event
Date: 17/05/21
Time: 19:00 BST
Info: In Scotland, Unison North East Scotland Group have organised a panel discussion event to explore the themes of Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia and what positive action for change is taking place in Scotland to celebrate sexual and gender diversities.

Register via Eventbrite –


Event: Aoife O’Sullivan
Direction: Online via Zoom
Date: Monday 17th May
Time: 7 pm
Info: forum+ is proud to present an online event to commemorate International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia on Monday 17th May at 7 pm. The theme for this year’s IDAHOBIT is “Together: Resisting, Supporting, Healing!” and we are hosting a Watch Party with a 50 minute programme of short documentaries and films to engage, entertain and inspire.

Join together with other LGBTQ people from around the world for our live virtual screening, share comments in the chat throughout and participate in a post screening discussion and audience Q&A. We’re very excited to have directors Angela Clarke and Matt Houghton joining our event.

To book your free place at our IDAHOBIT Watch Party please email info@forumplus.org.uk and for the latest information please visit the event page bit.ly/IDAHOBITWatchParty

Event: Hampshire Constabulary Lesbian & Gay Liaison Officer CPD Event
Direction: Online CPD event for our team of over 100 Lesbian and Gay Liaison Officers.
Key note speaker:  Matt Mahmood, Matt & Naz Foundation, including viewing of his Iris Prize winning film ‘My God, I’m Queer’.
Inputs on mental health and wellbeing for LGBT+ staff and communities
Breakout session for areas to focus on service delivery and community engagement.
Date: 19 May 2021
Time: 0930
Info: Delivered by Hampshire Constabulary’s LGBT+ Resource Group, this CPD event focuses on intersectionality and the need for policing to identify and manage risk when dealing with reports of domestic abuse, hate crime and safeguarding for those with multiple identities.

Event: International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia – Network Event
Date: 17/05/2021
Time: 5:00-5:30 BST
Info: A Zoom Webinar looking at LGBTQIA+ legislation globally and this year’s theme ‘Together: Resisting, Supporting and Healing’. We will also provide you with guidance on how to create an inclusive environment in and out of the workplace focused on supporting the Queer community.

We will also be posting stories to our company Instagram to encourage sharing of LGBTQIA+ content, media, activists etc.

Event: IDAHTB Webinar: Discussing Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia in Northumberland County
Direction: The queer advocacy groups that I run are located in Cobourg, Ontario in the county of Northumberland. We are currently in a provincial lockdown and will therefore me hosting two Facebook Live events that will speak to what is and the prevalence of homophobia, transphobia and biphobia in our area.
Date: Monday, May 17, 2021
Time: 11:30am and 7:00pm
Info: This will be presented as two Facebook Live events from our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/pflagcobourg) two times; one session will be at 11:30am and then later in the evening at 7:00pm. It will be an open discussion, talking about what homophobia, transphobia and biphobia look like and the prevalence of these phobias in our community.

Event: IDAHOBLIT Global Awareness Day
Direction: n/a
Date: Monday, 17th May
Time: 7pm UK time
Info: The event will take place on the Clubhouse social media platform in the LGBTQIA+ Allies Room – link to the event is: https://www.joinclubhouse.com/event/PAa2OjGA

We’ll be discussing and raising global awareness against Homophobia, Transphobia, Biphobia, and Lesbophobia. We will also be looking and raising awareness of discrimination around the world including Iran following the murder of Alireza Fazeli Monfared, individuals having to escape from the Kurdistan Region, Northern Iraq for being LGBT+, and life threats to people in Ghana.

Contact us