Spain 2021 Country Page


Note on event listing: Due to limited capacity, we are not able to provide a comprehensive overview of the hundreds of events that will take place worldwide. We list on this site the information that was directly sent to us (without edits).
During the “season” of the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, which traditionally stretches over 10 days around May 17, we will report more extensively on social media on worldwide activities. Please connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

If you are aware of any event that is not listed here, please send us an email.

Event: This Other Thing
Direction: Online.
Countries: Italy and Spain.
Date: May 16 2021
Time: 7:30pm (Madrid/Rome Time)

A Micro-Theatre Duologue
Inspired by the memories of Heinz Heger,
Pierre Seel, Rudolf Brazda and other gay survivors

by Armando Rotondi
Read by Jonathan Floyd and Kate Firth
Produced by Ad Est del Mondo and IDEA, with the kind support of the IAB
Filmed at the IAB Theatre by Samarth Trivedi
Premiered for the first time at the 12th Online Performance Arts Festival, 4th July 2019

Incipit: “The man is sitting in a chair. He stares straight ahead, hands folded on his knees. He is like sitting in front of a court during a trial. But he is not a witness. He is like a defendant, a perennial accused who has the chance to speak but who already knows he will be considered guilty…”

Re-presented on the occasion of the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia, May 17th 2021.

Production as a part of the national programme of “Il Maggio dei Libri 2021”

On the FB channels: |

Event: FUERZAfest / Queerantine FUERZA 2021
Direction: Virtual Event (

Registration Link:
Date: Sunday, May 16th-17th, 2021
Time: 5:00pm (ET) – 24hrs access, one day.
Info: In 2016, Hispanic Federation launched FUERZAfest, the first LGBTQ+ Latinx Arts Festival in the Northeast which not only celebrated a vibrant community, but addressed critical issues impacting it. Since then, events have been held in New York City, Connecticut and Orlando to create a space for dialogue and awareness of the systemic barriers and threats faced by the Latinx communities.

FUERZAfest is a multidisciplinary Latinx festival that harnesses the visceral power of art to inspire recognition, visibility and respect for the people who transgress gender and sexual norms.

In light of the current sociopolitical climate, issues of transphobia, homophobia and anti-gay violence resonate significantly amongst Latinx people – which is why the creation of a positive culturally – sensitive space like FUERZAfest is of vital importance.

The festival brings diverse communities together to support artistic risk-taking, incite creative collaboration and experimentation, and celebrate the rich heritage of Latinx queer artists and art.


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