Russia 2021 Country Page

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Note on event listing: Due to limited capacity, we are not able to provide a comprehensive overview of the hundreds of events that will take place worldwide. We list on this site the information that was directly sent to us (without edits).
During the “season” of the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, which traditionally stretches over 10 days around May 17, we will report more extensively on social media on worldwide activities. Please connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

If you are aware of any event that is not listed here, please send us an email.

Event: Радужный флешмоб 2021
Date: 10-17 мая 2021
Info: Мероприятие, приуроченное к всемирному дню борьбы с гомофобией, бифобией и трансфобией (17 мая), проводит ЛГБТ-инициативная группа “Выход” []. В этом году интерактивная часть флешмоба будет длиться 6 дней – до 16 мая. И пройдёт в безопасном и экологичном уличном формате вместе с арт-группой “Явь” []. Участников и участниц приглашают на индивидуальную прогулку по квир-местам Санкт-Петербурга, с использованием дополненной реальности приложения AR Hunter.

Правила следующие:
— с 10 по 15 мая организаторы будут выкладывать пост-загадку об одном историческом объекте;
— Участвующим нужно дойти до этого места и при помощи приложения AR Hunter найти виртуальное граффити, связанное с квир-историей Петербурга;
— Сделать фотографии или видео в приложении и выкладывать их в инстаграм, отмечая “Выход” и арт-группу “Явь” на посте или прислать фото/видео в директ инстаграма “Выхода”;
— Тех, кто сделают самые креативные фото или видео и выложат их в инстаграм, ждут подарки от “Выхода” — сувениры “Радужного флешмоба”. Шесть точек — шесть победителей — шесть подарков.
— 16 мая с помощью приложения AR Hunter знаки “Пешеходный переход”, “Автобусная остановка” и “Стоянка запрещена” могут быть преобразованы в символы ЛГБТ-
сообщества. Трое сделавших самые оригинальные фото или видео (один знак – один человек) тоже получат подарки.

17 мая с 19-00 на платформе “Выхода” ВКонтакте историкесса Ирина Ролдугина проведёт прямой эфир “Квир-история России: с фокусом на прямую речь”. После эфира будут объявлены победившие в конкурсе на креативность.

Google translation:

Event: Rainbow Flash Mob 2021


Date: 10-17 May 2021


Info: The event dedicated to the World Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (May 17) is being organized by the LGBT Initiative Group “Coming Out” []. This year, the interactive part of the flash mob will last 6 days – until May 16. And it will take place in a safe and environmentally friendly street format together with the Yav art group []. Participants and participants are invited to an individual walk through the queer places of St.Petersburg


The rules are as follows:

– from 10 to 15 May, the organizers will post a post-riddle about one historical site;

– Participants need to reach this place and use the AR Hunter application to find virtual graffiti related to the queer history of St. Petersburg;

– Take photos or videos in the application and upload them to instagram, marking “Exit” and the art group “Yav” on the post or send a photo / video to the direct instagram “Exit”;

– Those who take the most creative photos or videos and post them on Instagram will receive gifts from Vyhod – souvenirs from the Rainbow Flash Mob. Six points – six winners – six gifts.

– On May 16, using the AR Hunter app, the “Pedestrian Crossing”, “Bus Stop” and “No Parking” signs can be converted to LGBT symbols community. Three who have made the most original photos or videos (one sign – one person) will also receive gifts.

On May 17, from 19-00, historian Irina Roldugina will conduct a live broadcast “The Queer History of Russia: with a Focus on Direct Speech” on the VKontakte Vykhod platform. After the broadcast, the winners of the creativity competition will be announced.

Event: IDAHOBIT Week Moscow
Direction: Open spaces
Movie screenings
Panel discussion
Date: 08.05.2021-17.05.2021
Time: different on every day
Info: This year we united several organizations from different cities and countries to hold IDAHOBIT in Moscow 2021! The week against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia was held from May 8 to 17 at various venues in Moscow.
Many organizations and action groups took part in the preparation and organization of the events, including: Moscow Community Center for LGBT+ Initiatives, project for transgender people "You are NOT ONE", Natalia Severets-Ermolina and her Agriculture club, initiative group "BiPanRussia*", project from Krasnodar T*Revers, initiative group for LGBT-Christians "Light of the World", initiative group "Action".
It was not just one day, but a whole week of interesting events attended by more than two hundred people.
The initiative group BiPanRussia opened the week with an interactive exhibition challenging the existing stereotypes about biphobia. The actress Marina Kleshcheva and her performance about her life "Lir-Clezh" from Theater.doc conquered the hearts of the audience and left unforgettable impressions. The Russian LGBT Sports Federation presented the exhibition about LGBT Sports "Football for All" and presented a film dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the organization. One of the special guests was activist Yegor Burtsev with a seminar on internal transphobia.

May 8
14:00 - 22:00 Art space. Interactive exhibition by the initiative group "BiPanRussia“.
18:15 Marina Kleshcheva's play "Lyr-Kleshchech".
May 9
16:00 Interactive legal seminar: "LGBT families in Russia today: how to protect your family, children and inheritance?"
19:00 A seminar by Action Initiative Group "History of LGBT activism in Moscow: a discussion
May 10
14:00 Master-class by ICC Psychological Service "How to find a resource when you don't have one
16:00 Presentation of the project "YOU ARE NOT ONE "Overcoming internal barriers to the social and economic well-being of transgender sex workers in large cities”
18:00 Psychological seminar "Gender based violence and homophobia”
May 11
19:00 Workshop "Gender Equality in Language".
May 12
19:00 Film screening "Fans" and discussion with director Seva Galkin
13 May
19:00 Natalia Yermolina "DO I NEED REALLY IT?" How to organize a not boring event. Advice from the director of an underground club.
14 May
19:00 Presentation of the exhibition "Trans*society: History of the Struggle for Their Rights”
20:00 Seminar "Internal transphobia in the social context of transgender people". Moderator Egor Burtsev
May 15
14:00 - 22:00 Art space. Exhibition of LGBT sport Federation "Football for All”
15.00 - "Party or Protest? LGBT+ Pride Movement in Modernity" Discussion.
17:30 Film and presentation of LGBT Sport Federation of Russia "10th Anniversary of LGBT Sport in Russia”
19:30 Online greeting from the participants of the bike race in honor of the Day against homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia
20:00 Closing Ceremony
May 16
14:00 - 17:00 "Light of the World"
Open meeting of initiative group "Light of the World". Invited guest Jim Mulcahy
19:00  - 22:00  Action Initiative Group Film screening with discussion of the documentary "Howl" (2010)
May 17
Online recap of the week and informal gathering in the evening.

This year’s IDAHOT celebration took place at «Revers» (Krasnodar, Russia) on May 16th. LGBT activists from Krasnodar and Rostov-on-Don gathered in the Krasnodar’s Community Center, where the informational part of the event took place. In the morning, members of Initiative Group LGBT «Revers» showed three presentations about the history of the IDAHOT, different kinds of celebrations of this day in various countries around the world and the significance of this day.

Then the event participants drew posters on this year’s IDAHOT theme: «Resistance. Support. Healing».

In the second part of the day, LGBT activists from Krasnodar and Rostov-on-Don organized a yearly «Rainbow flash mob». For this year’s celebration they launched smoke flares in rainbow colors in the city park. You can see how it looked like in the photos below.

Several Russian LGBT+ organisations – Resource center for LGBT, QueerFem Ufa, DomIno and Expansion – and individual activists launched an online flashmob #ПрививкаПринятия (vaccine of acceptance) to celebrate the IDAHOBIT. The point of the flashmob was to publish stories about how people became accepting of LGBT+ community (that is – how they got their vaccine of acceptance) on their social media accounts. It was mostly directed at friends and families of LGBT+ people as well as allies of the LGBT+ movement. However, LGBT+ people also took part in it, telling stories about why acceptance is important for them.
It’s hard to estimate how many people took part in the flashmob overall, but we can say that people and initiatives from different regions of Russia from Moscow to Vladivostok and published their stories on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Russian social network VKontakte, and even videos on Tiktok. There were also several posts from outside Russia. Around 20 opinion leaders and 10 media outlets supported the campaign.
Overall, in five days around May 17, there were almost 200 posts on Instagram, more than 100 posts on VKontakte, more than 50 posts on Twitter and Facebook, and the videos on Tiktok were seen by 11 000 people. It is the first interregional campaign for IDAHOBIT in Russia that was initiated by activists from the regions, without participation of big organisations, such as Russian LGBT-Network.


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