Madagascar will celebrate IDAHOT for the first time!

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With the support of the support of the local NAC (SE/CNLS) and UNAIDS, members of Civil Society have prepared the first ever IDAHOT celebration in Antananarivo, Madagascar.

The events will start on Friday with Karaoke and distribution of information material and go on until Saturday night:

  • Availability of flyers and posters in key locations (Karaokes, Pubs/Bars, Discos, IFM-Institut Franco-Malgache…) from Friday onwards
  • Sensitisation in some Karaokes with distribution of condoms and flyers – Friday day / night
  • A press Conference on Saturday morning by the NGOs with the support and presence of the NAC and UNAIDS – a banner will be printed for the occasion.
  • A disco night on Saturday evening dedicated to IDAHOT.

Within the U.N. House the results of the 2013 UN Madagascar wide survey on homophobia and the posters with the world map will be distributed.
Also, this week is the malagasy short movies festival hosted at the IFM and one of the movies in the contest is about homosexuality.
For more detail on UN AIDS Indian Ocean visit their page.

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