LGL Commemorates IDAHOT Together with its Allies at the Embassy of Sweden

The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOT) was commemorated at an event organized by the National LGBT rights organization LGL together with the Embassy of Sweden in the courtyard of the Embassy in Vilnius on 17 May, 2021. The event was attended by LGBT rights activists, LGBT-friendly diplomatic missions, socially responsible business, media and politicians.
During the event, H. E. Inger Buxton, Ambassador of Sweden, expressed support for the LGBT community on behalf of LGBT human rights friendly ambassadors. Vladimir Simonko, Executive Director of the National LGBT Rights Organization LGL, presented the LGBT rights situation in Lithuania and the results of the LGBTI rights map of European countries compiled by the international LGBTI human rights organization ILGA-Europe.
Participants watched a video greeting from Helena Dalli, European Commissioner for Equality. During the event, two Baltic Pride awards were presented for merits in the field of LGBT rights and visibility. The awards were presented to the volunteers of LGL emotional support platform for LGBT children and teenagers and for Aurelija Ignote Paunksne, heroine of a video clip about the challenges faced by same-sex couples.