United Nations

The United Nations in India organized a workshop : The Road to Equality for LGBTIQ people. It was a two day national level workshop in New Delhi.
UNAIDS India, in collaboration with UNDP India and with participation from the National AIDS Control Programme, UNESCO, UNODC, USAID, and Lawyers Collective, hosted this event.
There were three major themes of this event:
- Status update on what happened after the recent judgments (especially 2018 Sec-377 Johar, and NALSA 2014)
- Developing a community-led national advocacy agenda
- Establishing a national think tank on LGBTQI issues to promote equality in all spheres of life
The 60 community leaders present discussed the need to end discrimination, sensitise political leaders and policymakers, and ensure that the LGBTQI community has access to all services including health, education, employment.
Alliance India

Alliance India’s team members from its community clinic in Noida, went to Shahid Rajguru College, University of Delhi to sensitise 140 students along with the teaching staff on the issues of sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression.
Times of India
Times Of India launches a new LGBTQ focused visibility campaign on the IDAHOTIB. The Times Out & Proud campaign stands in a strong belief that sexual orientation or gender identities should not decide the statures of a person in society. Out and Proud : Claim your space with Pride.