IGLYO launched Resources for Inclusive Education on IDAHOT

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On May 17, IGLYO – the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Youth and Student Organisation released a resource package for school stakeholders to foster inclusive educational environments.

With a focus on youth during this year’s International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, IGLYO is proud to launch two resources to support students, activists, teachers and other school stakeholders. The resources are aimed at supporting and promoting the creation of safe and inclusive learning environments that are free from bullying, harassment and discrimination.

Presented from the perspective of LGBTQ youth activists, the Teacher’s Guide to Inclusive Education briefly outlines the impacts of discrimination on students, and provides information, advice and guidance, as well as a series of classroom activities for teachers in primary and secondary schools.

The updated Guidelines for Inclusive Education: Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Gender Expression, produced in partnership with the Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions (OBESSU) provides a series of steps for schools to actively promote the inclusion of LGBTQ students. The Guidelines were updated following input from over 35 school student activists and LGBTQ youth activists from across the Pan-European region at the “Standing Together: Action and Advocacy Against Bullying” Study Session, held in March 2014 in Budapest, Hungary.

Daniela Prisacariu, Co-Chair of IGLYO’s Executive Board said, “While teachers and other school stakeholders may wish to tackle discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression in the classroom, they often lack the skills, competencies and expertise to do so.”

“We hope these resources will provide a useful starting point and reference for students, teachers and other staff members,” Prisacariu added.

Read or Download the Teacher’s Guide to Inclusive Education here and the updated Guidelines for Inclusive Education: Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Gender Expression here.

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