IDAHOT report 2014: Saint Lucia

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Saint Lucia

The national LGBT organisation United and Strong Inc marked the May 17 observance with a video release online entitled, “Speak up, Speak Out, Speak Love”. This is in keeping with the IDAHOT 2014 focus on freedom of expression for LGBTI persons.

You can view it in full here:

“We need to stop preaching hate… love is the strongest language”, says Amin Flood, in what is the first such public initiative in Saint Lucia. He adds, “The only thing I can do is be myself, and whenever I can be an advocate when called, be there and lead by example.”
Co-Executive Director Kenita Placide says with the video release, “The LGBTI community joins Saint Lucian and Caribbean people to raise our voices as a means of stopping the injustices faced by LGBTI people. In every country there are norms, whether cultural or religious, that affect marginalised communities and we must break the silence. All people should be free to express themselves without fearing violence or intimidation, no matter what their sexual orientation or gender identity.”
Emphasising the role of government in affording and protecting individual rights, Placide said authorities must guarantee dignity, equality and justice for ALL. “We call on the government of Saint Lucia to keep true to their word from the Universal Periodic Review held in Geneva at the Human Rights Council. Our government must speak strongly against all forms of violence and collaborate with United and Strong more broadly to educate and sensitise the public to reduce stigma and discrimination. We also remind the government to sign and ratify the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and International Convention on Economic, Social and cultural rights (ICESCR).”

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