IDAHOT Report 2014: Armenia

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In a very hostile environment, PINK Armenia and other groups, including the “New Generation” Humanitarian NGO, marked May 17 with 15 videos in dedication to freedom of expression. Activists also sent letters to the President of Armenia, the President of National Assembly, the Ombudsman and Minister of Justice, as well as the Prime Minister, to urge them to take necessary actions to end systematic violence against LGBT people.

Together with the Independent Journalists Network ( and the Helsinki Association for Human Rights, PINK Armenia prepared a specific set of videos ahead of the events.
Armenia shouts: “I am against homophobia”!
ʺI am against homophobiaʺ video series presents activists, artists and opinion leaders and society members who talk about homophobia/transphobia and its negative effects on Armenian society.
The video series which was created for the promotion of debate about LGBTI Freedom of Expression consists of 15 videos. The videos are mainly in Armenian, with one video in Russian.
To see all videos, click here.
And you can watch one of the videos directly here:

Letter writing campaign
PINK Armenia also sent letters to the President of Armenia, President of National Assembly, Ombudsman and Minister of Justice and Prime Minister to urge them to take necessary actions to end systematic violence against LGBT people. Here is an English copy of the letter send to officials.
“In the Republic of Armenia, RA Constitutional Order must be approved for the sake of freedom of our society and nation, dignity and multicultural development.”
More info on the campaign can be found here.

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