Within the framework of International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia multiple events were held throughout Venezuela.
The celebrations were placed under the sign of disappointment, as national authorities at the last minute decided to withdraw a parliament resolution giving May 17 official recognition as “National Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia”
Despite the bitter pill, on May 15 the organization Reflections Venezuela held the activity “NO SOY DISTINT@, NO ME TRATES DISTINT@”. It was aimed to present “awareness and training” on the issue of Sexual Diversity with the support of the US Embassy in Venezuela. “NO SOY DISTINT@, NO ME TRATES DISTINT@” is conceived as a strategy of awareness and education against discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, family and society that seeks to inform, educate, promote respect and tolerance in Venezuelan society.
In the capital, Caracas, it was held for the fourth consecutive year the “4th Walk Against Homophobia and Transphobia” on May 17 from the Crista Park organized by the organization Venezuela Diversa.
The walk is a peaceful unarmed protest demonstration for the enforcement of human rights.