IDAHOT Events 2015: Austria

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In Salzburg, Austria, activists, members of the LGBTQI community and allies celebrated IDAHOT at the walk4IDAHOT for the 3rd time.

[box type=”note” ]We are still busy collecting information on this year’s IDAHOT activities and are waiting to hear back from activists and event organisers. If you have information to share with us, please write us at[/box]

walk4IDAHOT is now getting into is 3rd round and is organised by Bernhard Damoser, the initiator of HOSI Salzburg, Grüne andersum, ÖH Salzburg and SOHO Salzburg. The Office for Women of the city of Salzburg supported the event.

For this year, the organisers decided on the title „Breaking Barriers with LOVE!“


Over 300 people took part in the walk. Amongst them were representative of the province Martina Berthold as well as Vice-Mayor of the city of Salzburg Anja Hagenauer. The march started at 2pm on May 16 at the main station and included a number of stops with speeches on LGBTI-related topics along the way. The march went through the city for about 3km and ended at the Glockengasse. The march was accompanied by music programme.

Aside from issues on a national level, the organisers addressed the global situation of Human Rights for LGBTI.Walk4IDAHOT-2015_PR_1

Like the years before there was also an Afterparty at the 3Stein Gaybar.

Find more details here.

Also in Salzburg, members of the Paracelsus Medical University (PMU) decorated the campus for IDAHOT.AustriaSalzburg_uni_2015

Es Wird Besser Osterreich and the City of Vienna Anti-Discrimination Unit for Lesbian, Gay, and Transgender People hosted a panel discussion titled “Building Bridges for LGBTI Youth” for IDAHOT. Dan Savage and Terry Miller participated on the panel as special guests.Austria_ESWIrdBesser

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