- Ung i Halmstad and Nolltrefem, Halmstad: Idahot 2017, internationella dagen mot homo, bi och transfobi; May 17 from 5 p.m. @ Fredsgatan 2, 30246 Halmstad
- Tupilak, the ILGCN-Information Secretariat-Stockholm, Nordic Rainbow Humanists and Bears International: May 17 IDAHOT Day Ceremonies in Stockholm @ Secret Garden pub, Kornhamnstorg 59 (T-ban Old Town), Stockholm
- Queer Amnesty Stockholm: IDAHOT: Slow Walk against slow progress – protest rally; May 17 at 6:oo p.m. @ Sergels Torg, 111 57 Stockholm
- Find Hope and SV Gävleborg: Idahot (international Day Against Homotransphobia); May 20 from 6:00 p.m @ Musikhuset Gävle
Kyrkogatan 32, Gävle