IDAHOT Evening of Solidarity

Hong Kong’s LGBTI alliances in come together in solidarity on International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexphobia & Transphobia.
This year they were focused on Biphobia partnering with 愛無界 Love Unbounded, the only bisexual group in Hong Kong.
A list of what happened during the event.
– keynote speaech by the Equal Opportunities Commission chairperson
– a performance by Mystery Belly Dance Studio
– a performance by Nokyan Ma
– a performance by Hi-5 (
– a performance by DragJam
– a performance by The Harmonics
Wah Yan College

Wah Yan College, Hong Kong, welcomed the Pink Alliance on 14 May for a seminar mythbusting to fight biphobia and sharing information about Hong Kong’s LGBTQ+ community.