Our Event for the 17 May 2019 in the heart of the City Frankfurt/Main, Germany: https://www.facebook.com/VielfaltFrankfurt/
„On 17 May 2019, the “International Day Against Homosexual, Bi, Inter *, Trans * & Asexual Hostility” (IDAHOBITA *), we are again organizing an event in Frankfurt’s city center as an Alliance for Acceptance and Diversity.We want to draw attention to the diversity of sexual identities and sexual orientation, but also at the same time on the issue of stigma, discrimination and violence, which still exist and in some cases become stronger to LSBTIQ *.This year 2019 we want to realize this in the form of 6 colorful info tents, a stage as well as various actions on the Frankfurt Hauptwache, the Zeil as well as on the Klaus-Mann-Platz (“Frankfurter Engel”).There will be a colorful and controversial program.“