Country page 2023 – Croatia


Most country pages feature announcements of events that were directly registered on our site.
More information on what is happening for the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia can be found on our social media.

“My Rainbow Family” – picture book for children presentation

Location: Kvaternikov trg 4, Zagreb, Croatia
Date: 17 May 2023
Time: 17:30
Info: On the International Day Against Homo/Bi/Transphobia, celebrated worldwide on May 17, we will present a new installment of our picture book about children of same-sex parents!
In the picture book “My Rainbow Family at Grandma and Grandpa’s”, the main characters Roko and Ana go on a trip with their parents, moms Lucia and Ines, and dads Tomislav and Darko, to visit their grandparents. On the journey, our characters will experience new adventures – in the extended text of the author, playwright Sunčica Sodar, with illustrations by the academic painter Ivan Oštarčević.
Be among the first to learn more about the new picture book – join us at the event on May 17 from 5:30 p.m. in the Urania space (Kvaternikov trg 3).
We will discuss the experiences of rainbow families in Croatia with psychologist dr. sc. Marina Štambuk, together with the members of the Rainbow Family Association, to remember how our story about children’s picture books began.
Also, everyone present can get copies of the previous two picture books for free!
Along with the announcement of the new third picture book, we will also announce a crowdfunding campaign with which we want to ensure that every interested person, family, and organization gets a copy of this picture book for free.
We look forward to spending time with you!

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