Canada – 2018 IDAHOTB Country Page



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Toronto’s RigthsCon will take place on May 16-18.
This year’s program, built by our global community, is our most ambitious one yet. Within the program, you will find 18 thematic tracks to help you navigate our 450+ sessions. It will include an event On OHCHR’s Business Standards titled “Promoting LGBTI security and inclusion in the digital world: aligning policies and practices with the UN United Nations Human Rights​’s Global LGBTI Corporate Standards”.
Draft program can be accessed HERE
Annual flag raising ceremony on 17th at 12pm at City Hall: more info HERE
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Quebec has a long tradition celebrating IDAHOTB thanks to the province’s Fondation Emergence.
This year again there will be dozens of events around the Province focusing on LGBT rights internationally.
All information and reports are HERE in French and HERE in English
Other events in the Province include
AMOUR / LOVE by Wartin Pantois Collage on walls, St-Jean-Baptiste district, Quebec, Canada, 2018 Around the world, LGBT + people still have to struggle to live and show their love. Let’s promote the “right to love” for all. Let’s expose to the world the beauty of love in its diversity. You can see pictures here:


The local PFLAG London chapter invites you to their annual evening of celebration and acceptance on May 17th at the Aeolian Hall. This event will bring guests together to celebrate together as a London community and commit to working together to continue addressing homophobia, transphobia and biphobia.
The celebration will include live performances from local LGBT2Q+ artists and our allies. This event is family friendly and free for everyone to attend.
More info HERE


Screen Shot 2018-05-08 at 15.00.17Commemorate International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia with a compelling exploration of oppression and resilience. Author Peter Gajdics discusses and reads from his memoir, The Inheritance of Shame, which recounts his experiences in conversion therapy to “cure” his homosexuality. Afterward, trans activist Morgane Oger converses with Peter about the prevailing themes in his writing.
In partnership with the Morgane Oger Foundation. More info HERE
Announced: IDAHOTB event at The Junction bar on 19th of May organized by Rainbow Refugee

Kingston, Ontario

Markus ‘Star’ Harwood-Jones is a queer and trans scholar with nearly a decade of public speaking experience and specializes in hosting workshops on anti-oppression and support for LGBTQ+ populations. Learn more at
This event is to commemorate International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia and is brought to you by the United Steelworkers Local 2010 Human Rights Committee.
Event’s Website or Blog:
Event’s Facebook Page:

Flag Raising

Many flag raising events are organised throughout the country, sometimes amid controversy in schools, as progressive and conservative parents clash on whether this celebration is appropriate.

Contact us