IDAHOT Report 2014: Sri Lanka


Sri Lanka

The commemoration of the IDAHOT 2014 in Sri Lanka took place in Colombo on the 19th of May 2014 at the Taj Samudra Hotel. Distinguished guests, including the Ambassadors for the US, Germany, Switzerland and Norway and the High Commissioners of the UK, Australia and Canada attended the 160 + strong event which featured testimonies from the LGBTIQ community and the launch of EQUAL GROUND’s latest publication “I Might be Transgender: a booklet for transgender youth” and its acclaimed documentary “the Invisible Stain.”

 “It cuts to the very core of our being and we hurt, all the time – and we hide, we lie, we pretend, we point fingers at others – all because we are most often, afraid to show who we really are, be who we really are,” said the EQUAL GROUND’s Executive Director Rosanna Flamer-Caldera in her speech, opening the event.

The Ambassador for the United States of America, Her Excellency Michel Sison reiterated the commitment the USA had for upholding and supporting the rights of all LGBTIQ persons the world over. This is why she said, her country along with other supportive countries, were determined to fight against homophobia and transphobia no matter where it occurred.

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