A Loud Voice and A Proud Face


Loud and Proud – A Loud Voice and A Proud Face for Young Gay Men, Young Men Who Have Sex With Men and Young Transgender People in Asia and Pacific.

Youth Voices Count (YVC) launched its signature campaign, Loud and Proud, for IDAHOT celebrations in 2013, giving a loud voice and a proud face to young MSM and young transgender people in the region. Already implemented in five countries since 2013 in the region including Fiji, Indonesia, Mongolia, Philippines and Vietnam, this year in 2015 Loud and Proud will take place in China, Sri Lanka and Thailand, as well as in Philippines.
Loud and Proud consists of two main activities. A video is developed in the implementing countries featuring young MSM and young transgender people and their issues particularly related to self –stigma and broader stigma and discrimination. The implementing countries will also organize an event on the day of IDAHOT in celebrating the young MSM and young transgender people and their courage to stand against stigma and discrimination.
The event and the video not only contribute to raise awareness among the local communities on homophobia, transphobia and biphobia but also contributes to the international movement to raise awareness globally about the LGBTQI community. The effort also provides an effective platform for our young MSM and young transgender members to bring out their issues powerfully as well as creatively.
This year alongside the international IDAHOT theme of youth and allies, YVC members in China, Philippines and Sri Lanka will feature young MSM and young transgender people along with allies who stand with them in the fight against homophobia, transphobia and biphobia.
Loud and proud videos:
Loud and Proud – Indonesia
Loud and Proud – Vietnam
Load and Proud – Philippines
Load and Proud – Mongolia
Loud and Proud – Fiji

Youth Voices Count (YVC) is a network of young gay men, young men who have sex with men and young transgender people in Asia and Pacific. Established in 2010, YVC has its representation in 20 countries in the region with over 65 members. Amidst the vacuum of protection and advocacy for young MSM and young transgender people, YVC was established as the first, and still remains the only, regional network led by and wholly dedicated to the rights and needs of these populations in Asia-Pacific. In 5 years of its existence, YVC has grown to become ever more representative of the young MSM and transgender communities in the region, with growing number of membership, and of the countries being represented. YVC has grown to embrace the diversity of its members, be it their sexual orientation, sexual behaviors, gender identity, gender expression, HIV status, or nationality and culture.

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