Country page 2024 – Japan

Country pages showcase events that have been directly registered on our site or discovered through online searches. For more information about the IDAHOBIT campaign, please visit our social media channels. IDAHO Nagoya 2024 Date: 15 May 2024, 17:00~ Link:

Country page 2023 – Japan

Country pages feature announcements of events that were directly registered on our site. More information on what is happening for the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia can be found on our social media. IDAHO名古屋2023 Location: Japan, Street east...

Japan – IDAHOTB 2018 Country Page

Reading out messages to support diversity of sexuality on streets took place in several cities in Japan as on previous IDAHOTB editions. Some people held message exhibitions. Iwate Rainbow Network and Iwate Rainbow March jointly had a week-long online campaign...

IDAHOT events 2015: Japan

[box type="note" ]We are still busy collecting information on this year's IDAHOT activities and are waiting to hear back from activists and event organisers. If you have information to share with us, please write us at[/box] In Kobe, members...

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