Haiti Country Page 2019

Activities happened in 7 different cities in Haiti, with major initiatives taking place in the capital Port au Prince, where Ms Elie, the former Citizen Defender / Ombudsperson for Citizenship, was awarded a distinction by the Haitian LGBTI community for...

IDAHOT Events 2015: Haiti

Facsdis Haiti is inviting the LGBT community and their allies to celebrate a Day against Homophobia, Lesbophobia and Transphobia on May 17 with them. The topic of the event will be gender constructions and there will be debates as well...

Haiti IDAHO Report 2013

The International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia was commemorated in Port-au-Prince, Haiti with a series of film projections, conferences, debates and testimonies. A new database system which enables confidential information sharing of the rights violations of LGBT people, was also...

Haiti IDAHO Report 2012

Haiti celebrated its first IDAHO in 2012 with a groundbreaking conference in Port-au-Prince that brought together more than 300 people to discuss discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in Haitian society. In a country where most LGBT people...

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