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Country wide – 40 French graphic artists will be launching an edited collection, united by the theme of fighting homo/transphobia, especially for May 17 2013. More details, and how to order the book or organise a display of the works, in French Click here. CONTACT : Jérémy PATINIER – ÉDITIONS “Des ailes sur un tracteur” Tél. : +33 6 83 49 84 77 –
National LGBT organisation SOS Homophobie announces a national programme of actionSOS-150x150
Association G-stud presents Day against Homophobia Marseille 2013. Friday, May 17, 2013: Afternoon theme STOP DISCRIMINATION at the Cité des Métiers de Marseille – Screening of documentary Valerie Mitteaux “Girl or boy, my sex is not my type.” at 20h at Cinema Variety Saturday, May 18, 2013: Rally against homophobia Marseille in 2013 many actions: an associative village, a balloon release, a kiss-in against homophobia, a big stage against homophobia with a concert throughout the afternoon and early evening which many personalities join G-stud and other associations, an exhibition against homophobia and an awareness campaign.
Sunday, May 19, 2013: Picnic in the Park Borély from 11:30 to meet after the World Day against Homophobia détenteet for a moment of conviviality around a meal. Contacts/further info: Association G-stud // //…
Giant flag at the Eiffel Tower. Organisers advised, “In Paris, we will make a great Rainbow Flag on May 12 the court of human rights. Participants each held one end of a strip of fabric 6, one for each color of the flag. While six participants remain at the starting point, the side of the Place du Trocadero, others walk towards the Eiffel Tower, down in each band, which form the flag. The idea is to have the Eiffel Tower in the background, so that participation in the global video is very characteristic. The operation is feasible to 12 participants, but it would be more effective if people would join the operation as and, apparently spontaneously, giving the “Flahsmob” side. For more info email
The French umbrella organisation Inter-LGBT is also organising a massive free concert in central Paris, on the place de la Bastille, where citizens traditionally celebrate all victories, on May 17th to mark the need to re-engage massively in the fight against homophobia. The recent debates on same-sex marriage have been used by conservative factions to whip up a moral panic and instigate hatred and fear, which has resulted in a wave of attacks on people and vandalism of LGBT establishments. More details expected soon // email
Soirée SOS Homophobie
2013 marque un tournant décisif de l’égalite des droits pour les couples Lesbiens Gais Bi et Transes. Dans le même temps le débat a donné à voir une violence inquiétante. C’est dans ce contexte que l’association SOS Homophobie qui ecoute et accompagne les victimes depuis près de 20 ans présente son rapport annuel. Cette soirée, accueille également les choristes de Podium Paris, ainsi que la remise du Prix Pierre Guénin contre l’homophobie, décerné cette année à l’humoriste Sophie Aram. Jeudi 16 mai à 18h30. Inscription obligatoire:
SOIREE TABLE RONDE-DEBAT. Lutter contre les LGBT phobies, à l’heure du mariage et de l’adoption pour tous. Experts en Sciences Humaines et acteurs de terrain reviennent sur cet enjeu et ses perspectives pour les familles et les personnes. Vendredi 17 mai à 19h. Entrée libre- Mairie du 3
JOURNEE DE MOBILISATION AVEC LE CENTRE LGBT. Le centre LGBT part à la rencontre des habitants, sur le Parvis de la Mairie du 3e. Un grand rassemblement militant, associatif et interactif pour rencontrer et échanger avec les membres de l’association. Samedi 18 mai de 13h à 16h. Rue Eugène Spuller
See actions also from the labour organisation, La CGT :… //…
Please note these listings are select and ongoing. But if your event is missing from this page or requires updating please email us at
Thank you, the IDAHO Committee team

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