Go Fly a Kite: Kite Flying for Harmony, from Singapore


Ever thought about organising a kite flying day? This is another health and well-being action, with community building – as well as visibility – at its heart, which could make a great IDAHOT action in your town or city.

This sort of action could be done in both open contexts, as well as possibly in places more hostile to LGBTQI rights organising. It makes an interesting alternative to either a public march or demonstration, or to a rainbowflash balloon release. It’s also more environmentally friendly than releasing balloons.
The idea comes from an action for IDAHOT 2014 in Singapore, organised by Move Community (a local activity hub for LGBT individuals, and their families, extended families and friends). We asked one of the organisers to tell us more about how they did this action, where the idea came from, and what the impact was – and they told us this great story!
Where/how did the idea originate? What were the main assumptions behind the idea, the main expectations?
The idea sprung o10262245_852653204748865_3724030041886932594_nut from an event my niece participated in Malaysia. I was contemplating to create something similar to promote friendships, harmony, healthy living among LGBT and other communities for IDAHO day. Since many of our active members love kite flying more than running and we thought it is more interactive, so we changed it to kite flying.
What were the risks/threats/obstacles involved and how did you mitigate them?
As we were doing it in a popular public place for kite flying managed by Singapore government, there was a fear of being stopped by the authorities. I am happy that it didn’t stop there. I consulted Singapore Kite Association (SKA) for their advice. I called and went down to speak to the venue receptionist to find out some facts.
How did you get it done? How much time did it take? How much did it cost? How many people did it involve? What were the tactics that you used?
It took ab10330335_852654374748748_7878677492049669274_nout a month’s time planning, meeting, and following-up with SKA, volunteers, printer and participants. We managed to engage SKA to teach us how to make kite on the event day. We formed 6 teams and printed different colored T-shirts (based on the 6 rainbow colors) for the event. We spent SGD480 (SGD16 x 30) for printing of the 30 t-shirts (about 280 Euros). About 27 people attended the event. We collaborated with another social group and invited them to join this event.
How do you rate the impact of this action, and how did you see its effects?
As we didn’t do any post event survey or feedback, we cant really measure the impact of this event to our communities at large. We were OUT, having fun flying kite in the public together with public – straight, family, local, foreigners. It was a great achievement to me personally as I overcame some of my fears, coming OUT to SKA, gained understanding, engaged and made friends. I also hope our members and friends feel more comfortable to be seen OUT in public (with an open gay group) after the event, which many people still do not wish to.
What advice would you give to other people who’d like to undertake this activity?
10339587_852654001415452_7021267449506357912_nBe brave. Be OUT . Be yourself! Live OUT proud with Rainbow! no matter how small you are 😀
If you did this action again, what would you do differently?
I have not really thought about it yet. There is a possibility of inviting different LGBT and non-LGBT groups to form teams.
You can view some more event photos here on facebook.
And you can find out more about Move Community here.

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