We are now working to get the word out for participation in a new addition to the IDAHO calender for 2013: The IDAHO Global Rainbow Flashmob ! This promises to be a vibrant, original and very colourful new project which we hope will lend a common signature to unique local actions for May 17, 2013. A new dedicated siteis up and running, where you can find a whole host of ideas for action, to get your inspiration flowing. Whoever and wherever you are, on whatever budget and whoever you are with, you can join the action.

You will also find details on the site of the Online Rainbow Flashmob we are organising as well, which offers an alternative – or additional – platform for action. We have already heard from various groups and individuals in many different cities – including Brasilia, Nairobi, Hamburg and St. Petersburg – who are interested and excited about the project, and are already planning their events. You can expect to hear from us about various new events that will be planned !

We are also lending continuity this year to an IDAHO Global Prayer Initiative, which we encourage all organisations and people of faith – of whatever order or denomination – to feel free to participate in. We hope this will again, be another way of offering a platform for unique local actions, to show our visibility as a global community of LGBTQI people and their allies. We have heard already this week from various organisations who are interested in joining the call, and are at the planning and discussion stages about how they might do so ! This includes the Metropolitan Community Churches and Transgender Ministries and the European Forum of Lesbian and Gay Christians. You can see the committee’s call out to faith organisations, for participation in the Global Prayer Initiative launched this week, here !

You can always follow all of these projects, ideas and events and much more on our facebook and twitter pages.

Here are a few examples of new events planned for May 17, which we have heard about this week:

Some new events

In Toronto, Canada, OUTShine will be holding their First National GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance) Summit, during May 17 – 20. This will gather together young people and educators from across Canada with a focus on promoting safer and more inclusive schools for everyone, and especially lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, two-spirit, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) folks, with plenty of room for straight allies ! Organisers are also hoping to stage a rainbow flashmob event which connects with the Global Rainbow Flashmob on the first evening of the conference – Friday, May 17. For more details please see OUTShine’s dedicated website.

In Zagreb, Croatia, Domino Association/Queer Zagreb will be hosting a two day International LGBT Media Conference, on May 16-17. The conference will draw together a wide range of LGBTIQ groups, individuals and media professionals from across the Balkans and beyond, with a focus on encouraging knowledge exchange, creating space for debate, and fostering ethical and responsible media coverage of LGBTIQ issues. Numerous panels and workshops will be held, directed to different audiences ! For details of themes, panels and speakers, and for further information see our page, the Domino Association site, the Queer Zagreb site or get in contact direct with Karla/the Queer Zagreb team via

At the European level, ILGA-Europe will be publishing the second edition of the Annual Review of the Human Rights Situation of LGBTI People in Europe on May 17. The Review will cover key developments in 2012, and is the most comprehensive publication documenting legal, political and social developments relevant to the human rights of LGBTI people in all European countries as well as the level of international and European institutions. They will also issue a 2013 update of their Rainbow Europe Map, a popular tool which provides an overall picture of the legal situations of LGBTI people across Europe in easy and accessible way ! More information can be found at the ILGA-Europe site.

In Tirana, Albania, PINK Embassy/Pro LGBT Albania will be hosting a Second Festival of Diversity Against Homophobia on May 17. This will be a day of celebration, information and awareness raising about the rights of the LGBT community, in which organisers will put the spotlight on homophobia as a condition which affects the whole society. They will also be engaging the central theme, ’fight the homophobia web virus, on the internet and in social media’ to highlight the rise of online hate speech. For more information please see the organiser’s site (available in English and Albanian) or get in contact direct via

In Brasilia, Brazil, the National Umbrella Group ABGLT (Brazilian Association of Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals and Trans people), will be marking IDAHO 2013 with a National March Against Homophobia, to the Brazilian Congress, on May 15, as well as seminars on the secular state (May 13) and laws against homophobia (May 14). Organisers are also in discussion stages about linking events to the Global Rainbow Flashmob. As in previous years these events promise to be a vibrant addition to the Brazilian LGBT calender, and to May 17 around the world. For more information see the ABGLT site (available in English, Portuguese and Spanish) or get in contact direct via Toni Reis

If you have any doubts, queries or requests for information – and so we can help give your event more visibility – please feel free to get in contact with the IDAHO committee team at

Thank you !

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