Country page 2024 – Switzerland


Country pages showcase events that have been directly registered on our site or discovered through online searches. For more information about the IDAHOBIT campaign, please visit our social media channels.


Campagne contre l’homophobie, la biphobie et la transphobie – Genève, ville durable pour touxtes !

Location: Geneva City
Date: 15 May 2024, 19:00
Info: This year’s campaign against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia is running under the motto “Genève, ville durable pour touxtes !” and will take place May 15th to 26th. As every year, it is the achievement of a strong partnership with several associations and institutions.

This edition invites Geneva’s population to question the numerous intersections between the topic of sustainability and LGBTIQ+ issues, specifically regarding the 17 goals for sustainable development – which coincidently never mention LGBTIQ+ people. The 2024 campaign against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia questions the particular ways in which LGBTIQ+ people are impacted by social inequalities and climate change, with an empowering focus on how these populations that have an long history of community organizing, protests and resilience are a rich and innovative resource in the face of the collective challenges of our time.

Discussions, round tables, a literary event, workshops, a film and urban hikes are on the menu of these twelve days, inviting each of us to reflect on inclusion as a sine qua non condition of sustainability and to imagine the contours of a sustainable world for everyone. The campaign kicks off on May 15th with an interview of French journalist, activist and author Cy Lecerf Maulpoix, who will be talking about his book “Ecologies déviantes”, the instrumentalization of environmentalist discourse for reactionary ends, and the foundations of queer ecology, a subversive project of reparation that escapes dualities.

The full programme is available at You can also download the 10 posters of the visual campaign and a fuller presentation of the concept and content.

The visual campaign features ten posters based on 10 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, each of which fact-shows how LGBTIQ+ issues are central to the challenges of sustainable development.


Tou·s·te·x uni·e·x contre les violences
Location: Lausanne
Date: 4-31 May 2024
Info: Pour marquer ce mois de mai et cette journée en particulier, Vogay organise plusieurs événements, pour se rencontrer, échanger et visibiliser les vécus et les luttes LGBTIQ+ (vous les retrouvez ci-après dans la newsletter), ainsi que le Rainbow Challenge 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

Le Rainbow Challenge offre aux communes vaudoises la possibilité de hisser un drapreau queer inclusif sur leur bâtiment municipal afin de célébrer la diversité et de lancer un signal fort contre les discriminations et l’exclusion. Les communes répondant à l’appel sont invitées à partager les photos avec nous sur les réseaux sociaux avec #VogayIDAHOBIT2024 et #RainbowChallenge.
Vous pourrez retrouver, dans l’actualité de notre site ou sur nos réseaux sociaux, les photos des communes. Si vous apercevez un drapeau, n’hésitez pas à le prendre en photo et à nous l’envoyer 🙂

Activités autour de l’IDAHOBIT
4 mai – Journée jeunes – Yverdon
5 mai – Guinguette queer intergénérationnelle – Maison de quartier sous-gare Lausanne
15 mai – Atelier queer care avec Mathieu Turcotte – Café queer spécial – Vogay
15 mai – Atelier de self-defense rhétorique – En collaboration avec l’UNIL
15 mai -Blindtest et Karaoqueer – En collaboration avec l’UNIL
17 mai – Rencontre intergénérationnelle – Soirée courts métrages – Morges
22 mai – Atelier site de rencontre avec Benoît Hugli du CheckPoint – Café queer spécial – Vogay
31 mai – Soirée jeunes 13 – 25 ans – Soirée Take Care en collaboration avec le collectif La Niche – Vogay

Disclaimer: The IDAHOBIT Committee and ILGA World do not assume any responsibility for the events listed on the website. The information provided on the events section of the website is for general information purposes only. The events listed on this website may not necessarily reflect the views of the IDAHOBIT Committee or ILGA World, and we do not endorse or take any responsibility for the content or organisation of these events.

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