Country page 2024 – Armenia


Country pages showcase events that have been directly registered on our site or discovered through online searches. For more information about the IDAHOBIT campaign, please visit our social media channels.

Launch of Pink Armenia’s Annual Report on the Human Rights Situation of LGBT People

Date: 17 May 2024
Info: Մայիսի 17-ին՝ Հոմոֆոբիայի, բիֆոբիայի և տրանսֆոբիայի դեմ պայքարի միջազագյին օրը, կհրապարակվի #ԼԳԲՏ անձանց մարդու իրավունքների վիճակի վերաբերյալ Փինքի տարեկան զեկույցը։
Զեկույցը, մասնավորապես, հիմնված է ինչպես շահառուների կողմից ներկայացված դիմումների միջոցով ստացված տվյալների, այնպես էլ կազմակերպության կողմից իրականացվող մշտադիտարկման արդյունքների վրա։

On May 17, the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, Pink Armenia’s annual report on the Human Rights Situation of #LGBT People will be published.
This report relies on data obtained from beneficiaries’ submissions and results from the organization’s monitoring activities.

NG NGO’s Annual event dedicated to IDAHOBIT (Plenary Meeting)

Location: Yerevan, Armenia
Date: 17 May 2024, 14:30-18:00
Info: Every year New Generation Humanitarian NGO (NG NGO) marks the day and organizes various events, meetings, discussions in order to draw public attention to the human rights issues of LGBTQI+ people, importance of fighting against stigma and discrimination prevailing in Armenia.

This year, too, NGNGO organizes a meeting with plenary discussions dedicated to IDAHOBIT-2024 under this year’s theme: NO ONE LEFT BEHIND: EQUALITY, FREEDOM AND JUSTICE FOR ALL.

The goal of the meeting is to establish a dialogue platform among state agencies, diplomatic missions, local and international institutions, the LGBTIQ+ community and community-based NGOs, human rights defenders and other stakeholders to discuss the achieved progress and implemented activities in the field of fight against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia, to share success stories, to speak up about the still existing issues and problems, and make the community voice heard.

Representatives of Armenian state agencies, diplomatic missions, international and local organizations, the LGBTIQ+ community, human rights defenders and allies are invited to participate in the meeting and make welcoming remarks, deliver reports and presentations.

The following organizations and individuals will deliver reports and presentations at the event:

  • The group of public monitors implementing supervision over the criminal-executive institutions and bodies of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia,
  • Non-discrimination and Equality Coalition,
  • Community-based and human rights CSO representatives, individuals.

FLINTA* Show for ALL

Location: Yerevan
Date: 17 May 2024, 21:00
Info: We are delighted to announce about our second FLINTA* Show on May 17 on the occasion of IDAHOBIT which is going to be both for the queer community and allies and for free.

Disclaimer: The IDAHOBIT Committee and ILGA World do not assume any responsibility for the events listed on the website. The information provided on the events section of the website is for general information purposes only. The events listed on this website may not necessarily reflect the views of the IDAHOBIT Committee or ILGA World, and we do not endorse or take any responsibility for the content or organisation of these events.

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