UNESCO Asia Pacific

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In addition to School Rainbow event, UNESCO Asia Pacific with its headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand, is commemorating the Day by further activities, drawing attention to the issue of bullying on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in Thailand.

The release of the first systematic study on the issue in Thailand

The study is undertaken by Plan International Thailand, UNESCO and Mahidol University, with support from the Swedish International Development Agency and UNAIDS funding to UNESCO. The report documents widespread bullying on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in Thailand, with over 50% of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students reporting this form of bullying in the past month. The study documents the toxic effect bullying has on its victims, and steps necessary for schools, policy-makers and all of us to address this issue.

Read more about the ground breaking study:

Bullying of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people in Thailand: Risks and Realities

Organized by UNESCO, UNAIDS, and the Embassies of the United States and the Netherlands in Thailand, the event includes a film screening and panel discussion showcasing experiences and perspectives on the realities and risks of discrimination and bullying against LGBT young people. The event also marks the official release of the aforementioned study above. UNESCO will also announce a partnership with Plan International Thailand, including funding support from the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, to support further work in this area in Thailand and in the Asia-Pacific region.

  • WHEN: Wednesday 14 May, 5.30pm-8pm
  • WHERE: Learning Auditorium, Thailand Knowledge Park (TK Park), 8th floor Central World Shopping Center
  • Opening remarks by H.E. Kristie Anne Kenney, US Ambassador to Thailand (Opening)
  • Panelists include: Timo Ojanen (Mahidol University), Jirawat Songsilijid (Thai Transgender Well-being Association), Anjana Suvarnanda (Anjaree Foundation) and Ms Doris Voorbraak (Deputy Head of Mission, Head of Political and Economic Department, The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands).

Bullying, LGBT rights in school & HIV: A social media campaign

A social media campaign in English and Thai on the theme of “Bullying, LGBT rights in school & HIV” will be promoted throughout the week on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. This will lead with an advocacy message, then reference #schoolrainbow. IKM is promoting this throughout the week through the UNESCO channels.

An op-ed in the Bangkok Post

An op-ed in the Bangkok Post will be released on Saturday 17 May co-signed by Gwang-Jo Kim, Director of UNESCO Bangkok, Steven Kraus, Director of the UNAIDS Asia-Pacific Regional Support Team, and Maja Cubarrubia, Director of Plan International Thailand country office on the issue of bullying on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.

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