The Amazing Pansy Project joins IDAHOT celebration in Brussels


The Pansy Project will be joining the IDAHOT celebrations in Brussels and is being supported by Lush on May 17th to mark International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia where staff and customers will be invited to plant pansies at the site of homophobia, close to stores across London, Bristol and Brighton.

The collaboration with The Pansy Project follows LUSH’s own campaign in February this year called Sign of Love around LGBTQI rights in Russia. Staff and customers were encouraged to show their support for equal love and freedom of expression by painting a pink triangle on their body and sharing it on social media on Valentine’s Day in protest at Russia’s ‘anti-gay laws’. Celebrating IDAHOT at LUSH shops is a continuation of their support for diversity, freedom of expression and human rights in the UK and around the world.
For more information click here.
On the weekend of International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia The Pansy Project will be in Brussels planting pansies at the site of homophobia as part of the Pride Festival, supported by Rainbow House, and the Brussels Guerrilla Gardeners. For more information on the festival click here.
Pansy1Pansy Project on the cover of Agenda magazine, the main listings magazine in Brussels.
Following on from the success of the ‘PUT A PANSY IN IT’ sweatshirts last year. Bundy&Webster and The Pansy Project have again collaborated, this time with a T-shirt.
More details will be available soon on the Bundy&Webster website click here.
Find out more about the Pansy Project on their new website, Facebook page or follow on Twitter.
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