The United Nations this year supported pro-LGBT activism in Fiji with a special presentation held for IDAHOT 2016. The event featured presented topics from UN bodies and local pro-LGBT campaigns, including UN Human Rights Pacific, UN Women Pacific, UNDP in the Pacific and PNG, Fiji Human Rights & Anti-Discrimination Commission, Drodrolagi Movement, Rainbow Pride Foundation Limited, Haus of Khameleon, Oceania Pride, Pacific-Community-SPC, Youth Champs 4 Mental Health, Emerging Leaders Forum Alumni, US Embassy Suva, AmbaFrance Fidji and European Union in the Pacific.
The event also featured a panel discussion on mental health of LGBTI individuals in Fiji and the Pacific region, as well as a film screening and performances from members of the local LGBT community.
Also in Fiji, campaigners from DIVA launched their ‘Behind The Cover’ campaign, which aims to create a community arts project focusing on discrimination surrounding the LGBT community.
Much discussion was also seen from Fiji on a number of LGBT-related topics at a national level. The hashtag #IDAHOTfiji was used by campaigners to foster a national dialogue on LGBT issues within the country, including many discussions on mental health and wellbeing. The hashtag saw thousands of comments through social media and a productive dialogue coming from many aspects of Fiji’s community.