IDAHOT 2017 country page: Armenia

  • New Generation Humanitarian NGOIDAHOT2017 – press conference and issuing a public statement, video campaign and online flashmob “Society against discrimination”,  presentation of the project “Right to health”; a request to rise up a rainbow flag on Yerevan Municipality walls; May 17 from 12:00 p.m. @ Yerevan

Opening event of the “Week against Homophobia and Transphobia

The opening of the week against homophobia and transphobia was held on May 15th in Yerevan. During the event, the situation of human rights of LGBT people was discussed and some social advertisements were shown.
The event was attended by the Czech Ambassador, the representatives of the embassies of US, Germany, France, and Poland, representatives of the EU Delegation to Armenia, people from international and local organizations and members of the LGBT community and supporters.
To raise awareness about LGBT issues, PINK Armenia has sent letters to the RA President, Prime Minister, Ministries, Constitutional Court, Police, and Prosecutors.

Social Advertisements

During the week public social announcements about the LGBT people were released. You can watch them below. English subtitle are available.

“I am against homophobia” video campaign and “Read me” letters

Helsinki Association has produced and published short interviews, where sexologist, journalist, actor, film director, activist and writer spoke against homophobia while explaining their position. The videos are available in Armenian here.
We also asked LGBT people to write a personal letter, including episodes of their life that have connection with their sexual orientation. We also got a letter from an asexual person, who is perhaps the first asexual Armenian to come out. Letters are available in our website in Armenian.
“Queer Monologues” performance
On May 17, International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia, the “Queer Monologues” performance took place. Lesbian and bisexual women, trans and queer people talked about their life experiences. The performance was organized by our partner organization Society Without Violence NGO.
About 100 people attended this event and enjoyed the performance of brave people.
“We are related” stickers
We are related. This was the motto of this year’s campaign, based on which stickers were prepared and posted all over the city with slogans: “I am gay and your friend”, “I am bisexual and pay taxes”, “I am trans and your child”, “I am gay and guard the border”, “I am trans and your favorite professor”, “I am bisexual and your doctor”, “I am lesbian and your employer” and so on.
LGBT flag waved in Yerevan
The British Embassy in Yerevan raised the rainbow flag of LGBT people instead of their national flag. This happened on May 17, International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia.
Extremists group mobilized and organized a protest in front of the Embassy building.
LGBT-themed posters and attacks

On May 25 three LGBT-themed social advertising banners were posted in the center of Yerevan.
One of the posters depicts two gay men hugging, with this text on it: “Do you want everyone to be happy? Then wish us happiness.” The other poster is a collage of people with different professions and states: “You meet them every day.” The third poster depicts three arms and reads: “Trans people are part of our society.”
On May 27 they were removed by the advertising company, without issuing us any notice.
A few hours after the removal of the posters the head of the external design and advertising department at Yerevan Municipality posted the following on his Facebook page: “Three advertisements have been illegally posted in the capital that preach tolerance towards people with different sexual orientations… regardless of the content, the three advertisements have been dismantled, as the Yerevan Municipality never gave permission for their installation.”
The banners did not contain anything prohibited by the law of the Republic of Armenia. Banner installation was made in accordance with existing market practices of Armenia, by an organization that has immense experience in the field of advertising.
We evaluate the act of Yerevan Municipality as an arbitrariness, which violates the NGO’s and LGBT people’s freedom of expression. This is a discriminatory treatment, based on the content of the banners. Therefore, the municipality contributed to the further development of dangerous manifestations of discrimination against LGBT people.
We appealed to the Yerevan Municipality to get clarification on the reasons of the removal of the banners, challenge the legality of the decision (if such exists) and restore the banners.
After the removal, discussions on this topic started on social media. Extremist groups started cyber attacks on PINK Armenia, staff members and those partners who supported us during IDAHOT week. Some people revealed the address of PINK Armenia on Facebook to force society to attack the organization. Organization also received dozens of threats and offensive messages. We will provide additional information about the follow-up later.

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