Fiji IDAHO Report 2013

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Members of LGBT group the Drodrolagi Movement (droMo) marked the International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia 2013 with a whole week of events. The programme included various rainbow-chalking events in the capital city of Suva, a peace vigil, a documentary screening and discussion, and a Pride Party. This was the third year that the Day has been marked in the south pacific island.

Organisers hoped that the week long series of events would ‘encourage the community to educate themselves on sexual
orientation and gender identity issues and to stand up against homophobia and transphobia in Fiji.’
Rainbow Chalking event in Suva
Drodrolagi Movement is a community-based organization in Suva, Fiji whose mission is to create and celebrate a culture of equality, respect, dignity and pride for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) community in Fiji.
Full Programme of Events
Event             Rainbow Chalking
Date                  Tuesday 14 May-Thursday 16 May
Time                 5.30pm
Location          Victoria Wines driveway; USP School of Governance and Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre
Description  Rainbow-chalking events will see locations around Suva come alive with the bright and bold colours of the international symbol for the LGBTIQ community, the rainbow.
Event             Peace Vigil
Date                  Thursday 16 May
Time                 12.30pm-1.30pm
Location          Holy Trinity Anglican Cathedral- Lady Chapel, Corner of Macarthur & Gordon Streets, Suva
Description     In collaboration with femLINKPACIFIC, a peace vigil will be held for members, families, friends and allies to remember lives lost due to homophobia and transphobia in Fiji and around the world.
Event            Documentary screening and discussion
Date                 Friday 17 May
Time                6.30pm- 9.30pm
Location         Fiji School of Medicine Pasifika Auditorium, Extension St, Suva
Description  An award-winning documentary filmed in Uganda titled Call Me Kuchu was screened. The film examines the astounding courage and determination required to battle an oppressive government, a vicious media and a powerful church in the fight for LGBTIQ rights. An open-space discussion followed the screening.
Event            Pride Party
Date                 Friday 17 May
Time                9.30pm
Description   To round off the IDAHOT week, a Pride Party was organized directly after the film screening and discussion, with free entry for those attending the film event.
For further information or queries please contact Kris Prasad on

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