Conference to commemorate May 17 in Ankara, Turkey


Photo: LGBTI Turkey map source Wikimedia Commons

Kaos GL will be hosting a conference in Ankara with IDAHO Committee chief Tamara Adrian, who will talk about Freedom of Expression. The organisers also invited academic star Jack Halbersam who is a Professor of English and Gender Studies at the University of Southern California and an expert in queer, gender and feminist theories and studies.

Kaos Gay and Lesbian Cultural Researches and Solidarity Association (Kaos GL) is a LGBTI organisation in Turkey and was founded in 1994.

The purpose of the Kaos Gay and Lesbian Cultural Researches and Solidarity Association (Kaos GL) is to support Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans individuals in embracing libertarian values, realizing their own existence, and in cultivating themselves in order to contribute to the development of social peace and welfare together with the development of their individual, social and cultural life and behavior.

Visit their website or check out their Facebook page.
Istanbul Pride

Photo: Istanbul Pride 2013, source Kaos GL

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