Follow country-wide IDAHO News & Events via facebook : the “IDAHOT-Australia” page
Various events + please see the IDAHO Sydney page on facebook for News & Events also.
From organisers: “In Sydney we will be commemorating IDAHO with the distribution of the 2013 IDENTITY Catalogue representing sexually diverse multicultural minority groups both locally and internationally and the launch of the YOUR OWN SAFETY Campaign. Pick up a your free copy of the catalogue on May 17 at: Ultimo TAFE Student Association, Building Z level 1 – Mary Ann Street, Ultimo NSW 2007. Ultimo TAFE is a place for all members of the community to learn and grow in safety and respect. Nick Baldas in partnership with Ultimo TAFE Students Association. For more on the Identity Catalogue 2013 see facebook.
Melbourne. Rainbow Flashmob Die-In action – May 17. 18:00 – 18:15. From organisers “The Melbourne IDAHOT Flashmob this year is taking place at 6pm on Friday 17th May 2013 at a secret location opposite Flinders Street Station to ‘drop dead’ and commemorate those who have died due to homophobia and transphobia.
As this is a Rainbow Die-in we are encouraging everyone to wear as much colour as possible and if possible for us to drop dead in the colours of the rainbow. We will be ’dropping dead’ at 6pm and the location will be posted on the day of May 17th 2013 (if you were in the 2010 Flashmob you will already know our location).” For more info see the facebook event.
In total more than 20 events will be held for IDAHO 2013 in the City of Greater Geelong, including at 12 schools. The City will be hosting a flag raising on Tuesday 14 May at 9:30 at Johnston Park, followed by morning tea at City Hall. The Mayor will be officially raising the flag with support from Councillor Jan Farrell.
On May 16 from 5:30 – 7:30 the gasp project (Geelong Asolescent Sexuality Project) is hosting a mini Queer Film Festival with two movies from the Melbourne Queer Film Festival, the films will be Monster Pies (Australian film) and Mosquita Yi Maria. The director from Monster Pies will be there for a Q and A at the end.
Amongst other events, there will be a “Headspace Barwon IDAHO event!” on 17th May 2013 – a small scale event outside the busy shopping center in Geelong Central. We will have information, handouts, an interactive art piece that challenges the use of ’that’s so gay’, face painting, musician and a projector of youtube clips about the impacts of discrimination. For more info log onto:…
Organisers advised about the level of organisation in the city, “The gasp project has received 24 applications for funding to run events during the week of IDAHO, this is 11 more than last year, so the message of celebrating diversity is really getting out there and there are many schools and organisations who want to do stuff… it is very exciting!!! For more info contact the GASP project.
Members of the LGBT Youth Group, Zaque Ballarat, have been busily working on a new Iphone app to provide SSASGD young people with knowledge and resources. On May 17th a specific event will be held to mark IDAHO. In what sounds like a very creative event! : A rainbow brick road will lead guests into the local library for live mustic, theatre and most importantly the launch of the exciting Queer-Y app! For more info (times, places, etc.) log onto:
Blue Mountains
Rainbow Flag Raising Ceremony in The Blue Mountains Australia. Our committee has organised a day beginning with a free breakfast, music, speeches & our Rainbow Flag Raising Ceremony to take place outside The Blue Mountains City Council building in Katoomba NSW. Breakfast from 8 am ceremony at 9am. In the evening there will be a free showing of the film Gen Silent. Find out more on // email :
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